
Neuter Kitten?

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Do kittens change after being neuter??Cause he sure has he seems to be more wild then ever running crazy climbing up doors and hang on them like a monkey it could just be cause he's an 4 month old kitten,but since he was neuter its be non-stop,he's eating and drinking just fine just his behavior is crazy,he has 2 sisters and his Mom and he just runs all over his sisters chasing them and jumps on them,, but his mom slaps him down and then he just lays down it's really cute she puts him in his place..Thank You For Any Advise




  1. Neutering does not change a cat's behaviour. He's just being a kitten! Hope the mother is spayed too.


  2. no

  3. No, he might fatten up a little but it wont change his personality

  4. That reminds me of whenever I'm sick, and when I feel better I seem to have extra energy. I think your cat is over being scared and is happy to be back home. So cute that his momma calms him down.

  5. This is just normal kitten behavior.  He would act like that regardless of being neutered or not.  Its just a phase, he'll grow out of it.  No worries.

  6. Usually it has little or no effect on a cat.  He is a kitten and sounds like he would be doing these things neutered or not.  They can act pretty crazy sometimes!!!

  7. It's called BEING A KITTEN!

    I do hope you're getting the mother spayed as well so you don't add any more kittens to the pet overpopulation problem.

  8. Oh, he's a kitten.  Kitten's have alot of energy, it's no biggie.  Atleast it's entertaining.

  9. Yes, attitude can change. Usually they become more mellow and easier to handle. He's a kitten, running around like a mad man is to be expected, he'll chill out as he ages.
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