
Neutering... please, experienced dog trainers only...?

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How much of a temperament difference does it make to neuter a 2 year old dog if they do not have dominance issues (aggression mostly) except around other dogs. Does not hump, no food aggression, calm and affectionate around people. When with other dogs, he insists on fighting and escalates into the red zone rather quickly regardless of training. Will sit and focus when told to but when left to his own accord will seek a fight.




  1. Neutering is not a cure all for behavioral issues. At most, it removes the desire to roam for a mate, marking, (helps with) territory aggression, and often stops humping and leg lifting. Neutering is always a good idea, but shouldn't be looked at as the magic fix.

    If your dog has severe dog aggression, you need to do your part and keep him away from other dogs. Which means avoiding all situations where he may see another dog, including dog parks, public stores (like petsmart), until he's been trained.

    Find an experienced behaviorist in your area that deals specifically with dog-aggressive-dogs, and have them evaluate your dog and find a way to work through and around his issue.  

  2. while neutering doesn't cure all behavioral problems it might make him less agressive around other dogs.  Meanwhile he won't be fathering any unwanted pups.  I can't imagine why you wouldn't want to do it for him.  If he is not an outstanding breeding animal there is no good reason to leave him intact.  All that testosterone keeps him frustrated if he can't breed.

  3. It may  help, it may not, but it will be better for your dogs health!  Cant get prostate cancer or testicular cancer if the parts arent there.

  4. Probably not a whole lot of difference.  It really depends on what type of dog aggression he has.  If it is male to male dog aggression then it might help. It might calm him a little. Otherwise, neutering is pretty much over rated as a behavior modification tool.  

  5. The only certainty about neutering any animal is that it won't produce offspring.  

    Castrating a male who is aggressive can help but it's by no means certain it will cure what's going on, and you won't see an immediate change in any case because it takes time for the hormones to sort themselves out.  Difficult to advise on here because each case is different.  What breed are we talking about here.  Do you know why he insists on fighting?  I think you need to talk to a trainer who can actually see your dog, and assess the situation, before going down this road.

    Just my view.

  6. None really. Altering the dog can help curb some territorial behaviors, but animal aggression can be inherent in some breeds. I still encourage you to alter the dog, but don't expect it to stop his animal aggressive behaviors completely.

    When handling a dog-aggressive dog, it is essential that you keep him on lead at all times. You simply can't leave him to his own accord. It's a responsibility that you will have to entertain vigilantly for the duration of the animal's life.

  7. While it may help decrease aggression towards other dogs- it may do nothing.  Some dogs are dog aggressive no matter what you do- I'd speak with the vet that knows your dog and see if they think seeing a vet that works with behavioral issues may be able to help.

  8. Nuetering with help your dog a lot - makes them a lot calmer and reduces the aggression. HOWEVER< this will NOT fix the problem. It will HELP. You still need to seek professional in home help in order to try to help with the dog to dog aggression.  

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