
Neutering rabbit??? <span title="help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?">help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...</span>

by  |  earlier

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I am planning on getting a bunny and I not sure how much to neuter them.I read that its really important to neuter them at the age of 4 to 6 months or something but it costs over 100 dollars and i can't afford. Anyone know any jobs for a 13 year old? Or is it okay NOT to neuter it?

i know it can get cancer and all but "Whens the LATEST time to get a rabbit neutered"? but i need as much time to make like 200 dollars.

how much is visiting a vet every month? any good jobs?

thank you very much! need assistance!




  1. well sorry i dont kno much about neutering a rabbit but when i neutered mine it got so stressed its heartbeat went up so fast it had a heart attck in the night and died so after u get it neutered u need to make sure it stays relaxed and calm and try not to make it go under too much pressure. hope ur rabbit has a happy life after neutering...good luck :)     :(

  2. Why don&#039;t you adopt one already neutered?

    You just need to take them in for a yearly check up... not monthly.  

  3. Neutering the rabbit is extremely important for a happy bunny.  It is under $100 to adopt a bunny from the shelter where I volunteer to socialise them.  They are all spayed or neutered before adoption.  So look into that possibility.

    The biggest expense with bunnies is a proper cage and an x-pen for them to be in daily for greater space to exercise.

    A bunny must also have a good supply of timothy hay to eat every day.  Then you can feed them almost any greens you have - lettuce, kale, a little spinach, chicory, cilantro, pea shoots.  The more variety the better.  Some carrots several times a week, etc.  You only need to give them a quarter cup of rabbit pellets daily as food.

  4. hello there

    ♦the cost of neutering depends on the vet.some may charge up to 300 dollars.some may charge only 75-100 dollars.ask your vet what charge he/she will give.

    ♦for a 13 years old,realize it is hard to find someone who will hire may want to get these side jobs related to animals and is applicable for your age:

         ♣vet assistant-some vets really need help in their may ask to help.if you&#039;re lucky,the vet may give you a discount when you are about to neuter the rabbit

         ♣pet sitter-some people in your neighborhood may be away for some may ask if they need help with their pets while they&#039;re away.although,this side job gives very little money.maybe about 10-20 dollars a week or so....

         ♣animal shelter assistant-just like a vet assistant,you can ask the nearest animal shelter if they need any may want to find an animal shelter because some shelters actually kill an animal per day so you may not like the sight of that.

    you may want to apply for those jobs

    ♦neutering you pet is a great thing to do.these are the effects of neutering your pet:

          ÃƒÂ¢Ã‚™Â£chances of cancer is reduced.they will live a longer life span.average life span is 10 years but neutering the rabbit will make your rabbit live up to 20 years with proper care.

          ÃƒÂ¢Ã‚™Â£fighting for territory behavior is erased.

          ÃƒÂ¢Ã‚™Â£they will be better house pets.

    it is okay not to neuter but consider the consequences.

    ♦rabbits should be spayed even before they reach maturity stage.that is:6 months for small breeds,8 months for medium breeds and 9 months for large breeds.

    best wishes and have a nice day!

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