
Nevada speeding ticket mandatory court?

by Guest62694  |  earlier

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I got a speeding ticket in Henderson, NV, that said mandatory court, and it gives me a court date and time. I was cited at 75mph on a 65mph freeway, with the actual speed said 84mph. The problem is I live in CA bay area, my car and license are registered under CA too, which is a long way to Henderson, do I still need to appear in court? Can I just pay the for bail? If so, how much would that be (it said bail amount $0 on the citation)?




  1. In most cases, you can arrange with the court to have a surrogate (usually a lawyer) appear for you if getting to the court is a difficulty because you are out of state.   The same lawyer will usually represent your interests and try to plea down the charge.

  2. My husband had a ticket in Ohio for causing a wreck. We live in Indiana. He contacted the court house in Ohio. They gave him an amount and told him to write a note to the judge. The note was to ask to be excused from court and to except the payment as restitution. They said call back 1 week after the note and payment were mailed. He did all this and the judge accepted the payment and he was excused from court.

  3. You need to call the court listed on the citation. They should be able to give you a bond amount.  

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