
Never Happy with Today?

by  |  earlier

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I am having some problems lately and need to know how to handle them, or at least someone with some experience or advice. My life has taken a turn lately and I am not sure about a lot of things and can never seem to remain happy for more than five minutes at a time.

I am always looking for the next day to make me happy rather than today. The next thing I am doing rather than what I am doing at the moment.

It seems like I am always looking for tomorrow and never enjoying today, what I am given now.

What do I do? How can I be content? What am I missing?

I would love to be able to email someone about this as well if you wouldn't mind.




  1. whatever the 'turn' was, it's shaken your confidence, that's all.  Try to put the experience into perspective, learn from it, and move on.  Happiness only occurs in moments, it's not a lifestyle and it's always better to live in the moment because really, that's all we have ~

    email if you like...

  2. I'll try to give you some help, but I can only offer you what I have learned myself from this experience of desperation that you are going through right now. I know how it feels. I also know that there's a way out. When I used to feel this way, I would make a point of going out of my way to find others that were worse off than me. There was a time when for months at a time I felt like my life was meaningless. I would start to feel hopeless, and sorry for myself (something I hate to do). So, I would go downtown, where all the homeless people were that I saw every day when I was going to school. I would cruise around and see all the people there that were someone's son, or mother, or sister, or brother, or some kind of family member, and think to myself... how can I feel like my life is so bad when I have a home, a car,  a family, an opportunity to do something better with my life! It always made me feel humbled and thankful, and I came to appreciate what I did have. Sometimes when we are feeling down, we need to look outside of ourselves more instead of just looking inside. Oddly enough, when we think we have so little to offer, that's when we have the most. Try extending yourself a bit... maybe do some volunteer work, or just lend a helping hand to someone (even a total stranger). You will see that you can make a difference in this world! Every day we have is a blessing in disguise. It's up to you what you do with it. The worst thing you can do is spend it feeling worthless, or like it's a waste. You will see that the first time that you do something for someone else... or, even for yourself. What you need right now is substance, and that requires some willingness on your part to obtain it. You can definately email me if you like! I'm sorry if I didn't give you what you feel you need right now, but I will make myself available to you if you want to contact me and we can talk about this somemore. I do understand, and I would like to help you if I can! You obviously could use some support! I hope you're not alone, with no one to talk to. Playing basketball for six years is something pretty significant. It says you have ambition and dedication, at the very least. I'm sure you have a lot of great qualities, and those should never go to waste! I'd love to talk to you!  

  3. Try doing a sport. It'll help you build self confidence whenever you win,  make you physically  stronger, and improve your mentality over all. You can look forward to matches, practices, and competitions.

    Good Luck =)

  4. I know. I have alot of those days

    3 of my friends passed away and alot of the time i feel like i don't need to go on. likethere is no point.

    Like whatever im doing has no purpose because im gone in the end, you jsut need to find a reason to start living again. Email me Talk to me, I've been through alot and i want to help you and it would be cool if you talked to me.

    Good luck

  5. Your need a girlfriend :).

    I think the one thing your possibly missing in your life is a SOMEONE. you know the one person who can tear you away from anything or everything and bring you to happiness when all you want to feel is sad or miserable. I have to say i am quite like you, i always find something wrong with my life, something that makes you want to runaway from everything life hands you. But you don't have to. Most of the time when that happens to me, i immediatly turn to my friends, no boyfriend so friends. Of course no girls no what i am talking about but all my guy friends do. I seem to realize everyday, something gets better. I have recently had a depressing change in my life as well. I haven't been able to quite get over it. But I try every day to get stronger.

    I hope I have helped :)


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