
Never been on an airplane?

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I have never been on an airplane before. i know i will have to get over my fear sooner or later. I am afraid to crash and i don't know if i get air sick. I have a phobia of vomitting. Any advice about how to get over it?




  1. Have any problems with vertigo or your sense of balance? I'm only nervous on commercial flights because I don't know who's driving! Things are cool when you're the driver! ;-)=

  2. For the airsick thing, don't try to read on the plane.  If you start feeling sick, close your eyes and listen to some music.

    As to your fear of flying, some people like to have some drinks before they board.  I would caution you against having too much, though.  If you appear drunk, they may kick you off the flight.  Sit in an aisle seat with your favorite music and just try to relax.

  3. dont worry juss have fun...

  4. Awww, don't worry. You will be fine. The plane won't crash hopefully! :)

  5. no, but it'll be fine i've been on a plane like 6 times, and don't worry they have barf bags. you could always take dramamine, that's what my mom does.

  6. you will be fine! i think u will actually enjoy flying

  7. it is very rare to see somebody vomit on-board..  you should be fine.. unless if you fly F16..

    PEACE =D

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