
Never call my parents mom or dad. Is this abnormal?

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For some reason i never was accustomed to calling my parents. Whenever i wanted their attention i would just start talking to them. I feel i have a pretty good relationship with my parents but this has been troubling me. It's been so long like this that it feels weird to call my dad or mom 'dad' or 'father' or 'mom' or 'mother' I just get really uncomfortable saying it.

Anyways im 21 now and wanted to find out what anyone thinks. Is this really weird or abnormal? Should i get counseling or something?




  1. Not to me. I'm 27 and I have never ever called my father ANYTHING. I think I was about 16 or 17 when he finally asked me about it. He asked me to call him something, anything. But I couldn't. It made me uncomfortable by then. I figured, if he was so concerned about having a title, then he'd have said something when I was like 2 or 3. So till this day, I've never referred to him as daddy, dad, pop, pops or even my his first name. Just nothing. If I want his attention while we're in the same room, I just start talking. And when I call him on the phone, I just say "Hey, It's me." Or if I call his house and my step mom picks up, I say "Hey, is my father around?".

  2. at least your father feels slighted that you refuse to call him dad.  

    if you start doing it it will be as normal in a few weeks as not doing it is now.

  3. sure

  4. i think u shuld i dont know but ur not comfortable saying it so they might think that somthing is wrong with them or that u dont like them

    my dad has never told me he loves me maybe wen i was younger im still young im 14 but yea. i used to think he didnt love mme but hes just not used to it. and he feels weird saying it cuz of his past he was on his own wen he was 7 because he crossed the border of mexico and he was alone and had no one that sayd they luved him so idk wow i jsut realized im telling u a story about me ok anyways

    i dont know but jsut let them know that u do luv em

    its important

  5. When i was an exchange student the family i lived with called their parents by their 1st names. It was all quite normal. The relationship with your parents has nothing to do with what you call them. Talk to them about it and tell them what you are thinking about. I don't think it would bother me if my children called me by my 1st name. It might even lvl the relation ship you have with them.  

  6. No, you don't need counseling.  it's very normal to call your parents by their names, but it seems to weigh heavy on your mind.  Why don't you start calling them mom and dad and see how that feels.

  7. there is not a law that says you have to call them that. As long as both you and them are comfortable with it then who cares.

  8. am the same way. i dont know why but i just cant call them that. its not abnormal trust me. whenever i want their attention i just say 'hey'

  9. Well, i believe when  you talk to someone you should address them with a formal name or title...but considering it is parents and you have a good relationship then everything should be fine...

    what ever floats your boat. i dont think counseling is necessary but maybe you can just start calling them that and try to get used to it?

  10. It's not weird, i get the same problem with my grandparents, i cant call them by their name when im talking to them for some reason.  

  11. Definitley you don't need counseling just because you call your parents something else, or just not mom and dad. It's not the "norm" you could say, but what is? Compared to other people's issues, this is so insignificant. Who cares what you call them??

  12. its not abnormal ive never called my parents mom or dad

  13. Every family is different, if it makes you uncomfortable to call them mom or dad, then don't. Many new age families have their children call them by first name. Are you saying you don't call them anything at all, because thats a little more odd that you don't use title at all but there is nothing wrong with it. Maybe you need a little more practice. Maybe just try using a title here and there, say perhaps you mom asks you to find out what your dad wants for dinner, try calling out "Dad!" before entering the room to get his attention, that way you aren't looking right at him when you say it. I don't know just seems like a good way to get started.

  14. wow!

    its not 'abnormal' just different.

    my son called me 'mom' when he was 4 and it felt really wierd! but that was cuz his grandmother wanted him to call him mom and she never let him call me mom, so when he started school and started calling me mom it felt really wierd and strange but i loved it!! but my son felt reelt embarassed calling me mom. his grandmother is a ******! i bet ur parents WANT u to call them mom and dad. believe me EVERY parent wants there kid to call the mom or dad. it will be awkward first and abit embarassing but you'l get use to it. make them happy!! i was ecstatic when my son knew who i was!! there is a massive difference but im a parent!! so trust me!

  15. no its not that weird, its what your accustom to.  I was raised and everyone in this area (Wisconsin) get drinks from the bubbler.  or what everyone else calls the water fountain/ drinking fountain.

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