
Never duel a girl before? Is girls can be great duelist can fight my 19 decks?

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Never duel a girl before? Is girls can be great duelist can fight my 19 decks?




  1. uh, i doesent matter what gender you are, it matters how much skill you have. and this is a guy answering this question, not a feminist.

  2. a girl can be really good i met a girl who won some tournaments and i am a girl duelist myself it really deosn't depend on the gender it's the skill all our skill levels will forever be increasing and decreasing depending what happens mine is steadyly increasing and rapidly increased last month

  3. I wish I can play against a girl duelist once in a while.  My local tournament shop has only guys.  :-(

  4. girls are amazing duelists, im lucky enuf to be engaged to one,

    female duelists dont come along often but when they do they cause chaos and annialate everyone

  5. it depends on there ability

    most of the time if a girl is a bad duelist it is because they don't know about the game

  6. i dueled some girls man some r good some r bad some r deasceant and only one girl has haver made day 2 of a big tourney ( shoen jump championship )

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