
Never felt this way...please help!!?

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ok so theres this guy named ben and he lives next door to me. i like him sososo much.....ok that didnt even cover my feelings for him. sure, i have fallen for other guys....but ben is the one i can NOT stop thinking about. but whenever we talk, (oh god) i think later..."that was the stupidest thing to say" or stuff like that. i have had numerous boys before that i liked, and could easily talk to....but all i thought about with them was "getting with them" (no not s e x!) and with ben all i think about is just being in love. plain love.

PLEASE PLEASE GIVE ME YOUR FEEDBACK!!! i give 10 points for the best answer!!

(oh btw dont tell me to drop not failing not falling back in life.....just positive advice, if possible!)




  1. Enjoy being young and having a huge crush - there's nothing more fun than just crushing on a super dreamy guy and all the crazy rollercoaster of emotions that comes with it... the butterflies, the pit in your stomach, the euphoria you feel when you think maybe, just maybe he was flirting with you.. Just enjoy this! Don't tell him you like him - this will ruin any friendship you have.. If he likes you he WILL make it obvious.. I hate to say it but you most likely won't end up with this guy and I know you don't want to hear that!! I've been where you are and that's the last thing you want to hear!! But it's not so bad, think of it this way, you'll like the guy you end up with way more and that's awesome. So, like I said, enjoy it.

  2. Get looking your best and walk right over to Ben's house. Knock on the door. When Ben comes to the door say "Ben, we need to talk". He'll look at you crazy and say "uhhhh, okay". Maybe at that point you could suggest going for a walk. The point here it to tell him: "Ben, ask me out."

    Don't admit your love to him but just let him know VERY CLEARLY that you are way into him.

    Good Luck. Have Guts.

  3. I think you should seek counseling.. because you have named your avatar "I love Ben"

    This is probably about something deeper

  4. gosh!! i know how that feels! u wanna talk to someone bout it, but u cant coz u know they wont understand.. actually, i had my own "ben" experience- also called ben haha.. i was head-overs for this guy, we hung out all the time, but i, like u, went home thinking how silly i must have been.. but he didnt care, actually he was really shy. nothing was about s*x, just intense feelings, but in the end, he wasnt ready for anything more than friends (shy guy he was, but SO SWEET!)

    we're still great friends..

    but to feedback- u are not alone hunny :D love is sweet, it hurts but its the hurt u dont want to stop. the sleepless nights where u dont wanna sleep coz ul have to stop thinking bout him, or the dream u wanna never wake from... i could go on forever on this subject..

    i reckon u should find out how he feels bout u.. he may feel the same.. how cool would that be ;p

  5. i think your g*y 0.0 just a thought

  6. Well, if you really like him as you claim so. I suggest you get to know him better, you know as friends. That way you can get closer to him. You'll find out what you also like about him and if you want to go out with him. These kinda things shouldn't be rushed, you know? Take it slow with him so that you don't make a mistake in your weakest hour because right now, I can tell you're really deep into this. Some boys like to take advantage of this and I'm sure you wouldn't like that. I suggest that you don't expose your feelings to him too much until you know where he stands because you never stated if he feels the same way about you. Just take care, ok?

  7. Aw just try to talk to him more! Ask him to go out somewhere.

  8. depends if hes g*y  aswell or not ....  

  9. um i think shes a girl not a guy LOL

    just talk to him more. and become good friends

  10. you are just flipping out over him stick with the kind you find most interesting and easy to talk to, keep him on the side, just in case. its just dating right. so like marry one that you find interesting  and easy to talk to, get along with, but keep him on the side for back up, you know. don't worry about what you think you might have sounded like, if he stops talking to you for that reason then flash him your cards and study times tables with him it will give you an excuse to get back with him and maybe after all that twitter platter feeling you legs tingling palms of hands sweating stuff will go away

    but keep him on the side just in case have a back up boy to keep you happy. were a dying bread there are more woman then men out here so keep on on the side we are hard to find. then if they go south ,, like g*y well that just cuts down the chances of finding the right dude so keep one on the side just in case,

    that is why the Moremens is back wards they got like 2 or 3 wives they should call it more women not more men

    girls should have more men to help take care of the duties around the house like cutting grass, and keeping hedges trimmed and taking out the trash like that you know?

  11. be careful girl... at that age anything feels like love. but youre probably just infatuated. which is the best part!  lol just make sure he even knows youre alive first and then little by little try to get closer to him. ITS TOTALLY NORMAL, but trust me its not love :)

  12. i think you should go for it! if you really like him, isn't he worth the risk of rejection? in the end its up to you. hope i helped :)

    p.s. - i hope he says yes :)

  13. Take a chill pill.  Poor Ben.

  14. give off hints that you like him


    hang out with him and a bunch of his and your friends.

    this way it will be easier to be yourself

    and he will get to know the real you


    will obviously fall in love with you too!

    group dates are always the best for the frist while i have found.

    and then it will get easier to talk to him!

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