
Never get invited to parties?

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im in secondary/high school abd never get invited what shall i do




  1. reciprocation, parties are a chance to socialize. you either have to know someone  that does get invited and go with them or try giving a party yourself, THAT would be the way to make your debut into the party circles.-blurey

  2. Voting with those who say how boring secondary parties can be, these days on occasion dangerous. As long as you have mates otherwise, I wouldn't be ar^sed.

    In uni my first years (now graduate level) I gave up on most parties because of too many being bladdered, sometimes the presence of illegal substance, and the chance of fights.

    I have learnt the best thing in life is a few honourable, decent mates. We may be a bit "boring" but we are living up to our potential for the most part, and although we have social occasions, we are careful who attends.

    Me best mate is a 6'2" footballer who is big as a house. Last git got out of hand had himself picked up by bear hug...I grabbed his legs, and me mate cracked the git's head on a low cealing spot. His behaviour became much more acceptable after that--bladdered or not.

  3. Either get more aggressive or more attractive.

  4. You need to create more/better friendships.  Also, don't act too stuffy.  Show others that you can relax, have fun, and that you have a sense of humor.  You'll be invited soon enough!

  5. High school parties were lame! I know you might not want to hear this but when I was in high school I was suchh a big nerd. But it's funny all the popular kids in high school never went to college and I did and got an education. In college I joined a sorority and was invited to parties every day almost! And college parties are MUCH better than HS parties, trust me. So focus on your grades and get yourself to college! I know it's harder than it sounds but it's worth it.

    Also, just be friendly to the people that throw parties. Say Hi to them in the hallways even if you don't know them that well and smile a lot. A lot of times in HS you can't have bigg parties b/c your parents won't allow it. So don't take it too personally they probably just invite their closest friends.

  6. Have your own party! :)

  7. Sam hit the nail on the head. High school parties aren't all they're cracked up to be, anyway. I've only been to a few, but I didn't much like them. If you're really set on going to one, befriend the people who throw a lot of parties, and hope that they'll invite you. Other than that, it's kind of out of your hands. Don't be pushy.

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