
Never had this before...have you?

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LMP was July 7th. I was 5 days late on my period for this month.I had 3 faint positive HPT's, not sure if they were evap lines, but they had color to them and showed within the 3 minute time line. Then I had a negative blood test when I was 4 days late. 2 weeks before my period I had alot of Pregnancy symptoms...especially sore b*****s, fatigue, sensative smell and nausea. I think I started my period when I was 6 days late, it started out with brown mucus, then stayed brown with a little bit of bright red for only 1 day, and then today, it is gone...It was a light period that only lasted a day and a half. I usually have heavy periods for 4 days in a row, and have no problem filling up a tampon (TMI I'm sorry) This time I barely could fill one up... Took yet another HPT this morning with FMU and it was Negative...If I was pregnant, wouldn't it show up by now? Has anyone had this and been pregnant or even not pregnant?? I'm not stressing about if I am or not, because I'm not trying to be, but I'm not preventing it either.

I'm 27 and married with 3 kids, but have never had this before. Just would like some feedback and some input. Thanks for reading.




  1. Your cycle my just be a little longer then usual this time around. Any lifestyle changes can throw off your cycle (diet, stress(you do have three kids and a husband! lol), exercise, sleep, etc.). The spotting for 1 day may have just been a sign that you ovulated. I would wait about 2 weeks and if still no AF then take another test.

  2. I would think the blood test would have been pretty accurate in detecting any hcg levels in the blood.  I would trust the blood test more so than a HPT.   Either way, I'd guess you're not pregnant now.

  3. It sounds like you had a chemical pregnancy its another name for early miscarriage.I had one last mth you do HPT's all postive you get excited then 5-7 days after ur period is due u start bleeding and then u have no pregnancy symptoms at all and u only bleed for 1 and a half days apparently chemical pregnancies are caused through low progesterone and estrogen levels both mine were low wich stopped the pregnancy from contineuing if it helps go see a doctor get them do a blood test to check ur hormone levels if they r low i am on remifemin it helps to bump ur hormone levels up i hope i am making sense if ur confused google chemical pregnancies up hope i was helpful.

  4. Sounds like an early miscarriage.  They are much more common than many realize.  The the days before HPTs, most women just noticed a late period like you're experiencing not realizing that they had actually concieved.  But most likely to genetic abnormalities in the embryo, the pregnancy self terminated very early, lasting just long enough to get you a faint BFP before terminating.

  5. You should check with your doctor. A lot of people have spotty bleeding when they are first pregnant. It is also more likely to get a false negative pregnancy test than a false positive. You should really see your doctor to be sure. :)  

  6. Go to your GP.

  7. I hope i'm not right but it almost sounds like you may have had a chemical pregnancy or miscarried. Even a faint positive means you were definitely pregnant, I would go back to your ob and see if they can do a vaginal ultrasound to see whats going on. Good luck and I hope it all turns out well for you.

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