
Never kissed a guy ?

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im 13 and never kissed a boy yet :( is this bad? am i a loser :L? and i swear all my friends have, aparantley its so weird if you havent pulled a boy at a party and not got off with him. anyone in the same situation?




  1. no it's not bad and no you're not a loser! I didn't kiss a boy til I was 15. I waited til I found someone I really liked and wanted to kiss, rather than just kissing a randomer for the sake of it.

  2. i got my first kiss at age 15. youre fine :) itll happen when the times right. dont rush things. you always want your first kiss to be specail.

  3. common youre way too young,,dont let men take advantage of you , save yourself  for somebody special

  4. Dont judge your self worth by what your friends have done or havent done. You will when the time is right and you are ready. Why push it?  

  5. please do not be so hard on yourself these things take time, just be positive and upbeat  and you will get your chance

  6. me too im 13 and i have kissed a guy but it was from pressure && it sucked!

    but i know you might not want to do this but you can just play spin the bottle and that will build confidence.

    and your not a loser your just taking your time and when you kiss someone. kiss cause you WANT to. *personal exp.*

    and also pick the right guy. if you like someone you will know when the right time is. so dont pick a player. if you want it to be special pick someone you actually know and like.

    hope i helped. (:

  7. Hey! I'm 17 and I've never been kissed.  Neither have a bunch of my friends.

    It's fine, I'm still waiting for the right person. :D

  8. Noo, im 14 and i haventt.

    But im not being like stuck up or anything but im not omg ugly. Its just the occasion has never come up and i dont know many really tbh. And if i do they dont live round here :L Soo you just gotta wait. It will come around one day. Promise. If your friends think its odd. Then lie. I know lyings not good bu being taken the p**s out of by your friends is really hard and if a little white lie stops that then its worth it :]


  9. You are not a loser and it's totally not bad, It's good because you want to have your first kiss with the one you really like not a random guy you meet at a party. It shows you have control and class and who ever is your first is a lucky boy. To tell you the truth I didn't have my first kiss until I was 16. I don't just go out kissing guys, I only would if I really like the person, and I believe others should do this too but they don't they are just in a hurry to grow up and get the big major things out of the way.

  10. Its not a big deal.. i remeber when i hadnt kissed a guy before and was worrying about it loads coz all my friends have, but after you have you realise that its not a big deal... dont worry your time will come eventually. its not like your never going to kiss someone.. and your only 13... i had my first kiss when i as 15. Dont worry :)  

  11. pshhh i never kissed a girl in my life till 14 im not a loser im hot thats wat all girls say want a picture of me check it out =] so u not a loser =] im now 18 had over 80 GF's lost count of s*x...

    any ways gud luck

  12. i'm 13 too lol and a girl of course. I have kissed boys on the lips but not snogged/made out. You are not abnormal, you all do it at different times - boyfriends arent even serious at this age let alone kissing!

  13. no it doesn't mean you're a loser. GEEZ there's something wrong wiht kids nowadays.. always to busy worrying about c**p like this. don't worry, it's no big deal.

  14. I am with ya! I have never kissed a guy either! lol! Your not a loser! I am not allowed to have a boyfirend. Oh wait... I have kissed a guy but it was when I was 9 and it was my cousin. lol!

  15. yh i'm in the same situation my friends are setting me up with a boy but no need to worry when you kiss a boy you'll feel happy and you will no exactly how to do it

    i feel for you

  16. I haven't either.

    don't plan to.

  17. no its not bad. and dont follow the crowed. it does nothing but get you in trouble. just take your time. your yound you have your whole life. enjoy

  18. don't rush it because your friends want you to.  It's better that you kiss the right guy than kiss a guy just because you can.  Kissing a guy just to kiss is just S****y.

  19. Some of your friends are lying.

    It is OK if you haven't kissed a boy yet.

    Once you kiss a guy you have the rest of your life to kiss guys.  

  20. You are in no way a loser! Good for you for not kissing some random guy! Your first kiss should be special, between a person you really like and a person who really likes you. I, along with many other girls I know, had my first kiss at 16. I know college students that still haven't kissed anyone yet and it's not bad or anything. You should just wait for your prince to come! Take care :D

    P.S.: Girls who just kiss random guys at parties tend to gain extremely bad reputations. Just so you know.

  21. chiil out. I was 17 my first time and i am not a loser.

    what is the rush, you are 13 not 23 !

  22. when i turned 15 i got my 1st kiss

    i also got a boyfriend that same do ha ha

    don't rush life enjoy it and who cares how many people have kissed who

    when your times comes it will be awesome

  23. in a matter of seconds you went from kissing to pulling to getting off with a boy and you're 13? Have you asked your mother if you're a loser or not?

  24. it's not bad you're not a loser... are all of your friends older than you cause 13 year olds shouldn't be kissing random guys at parties. Haha, really no one should be kissing random guys at parties...

    trust me you want your first kiss to be meaningful and memorable not forced from peer pressure and forgettable

  25. don't sweat it. the time will come when you get your first kiss. it really doesn't matter how old you are or how many of your friends have experienced it. you don't need to feel pressured just to kiss a random boy kist because you feel you have to

  26. i'm 16 and never kissed a guy. your time will come with the right person.

  27. Honestly, you are too young.  Let it happen when you meet the right boy. You will know when the time is right. I was kind of a late bloomer myself.  I had guy friends, but not boyfriends until i was 16. You don't want to get yourself in a situation that could change your life forever.  My fiends daughter just had a baby at 14.  Not cool.  Besides getting prego there are many STD's out there without a  cure.  HPV is the latest and fastest growing.  The bottom line is this: Don't do something just because your friends are doing it.  I hope this helps a bit.

  28. there isnt anything weird there......

    pls dont be too desperate.....

    u are still young, just 13 and not 30 who desperately need a man in life.......

    so, just wait for the right guy at a right time.......

    kissing is not important in relationship, but the understanding and respect.....

    before u could think of kissing guys, u should learn to hug and kiss ur mom, dad and ur siblings......

  29. I was 15 when I first kissed a no your not alone. And don't rush to get kissed do it with someone special...don't do it cause other people are, do it cause u want 2.  

  30. No im not anythin lk u but no its no weird and u are no way a loser sm people dont kiss any1 till there lk 19 and there not weird dont worru;...

  31. No, you kiss a boy when you like him, not because it's cool to do so.
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