
Never married men becoming as healthy as their married counterparts(who are healthiest). Is feminism to blame?

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Could it be that because of feminism, unmarried men are getting to become almost as healthy as their married counterparts?

According to research conducted at Michigan State University

“Married people are better off than never-married people in terms of health status, but the gap has narrowed over time,” said lead author h*i Liu, an assistant professor and sociologist at Michigan State University in East Lansing.

This narrowing health gap between the married and the never married applies only to men, but not women, Lui said.

One reason for this trend is that today’s society might offer never-married men “greater access to social resources and support” that were in the past primarily found in a spouse, the authors noted.

The authors used 32 years of data from the National Health Interview Survey to analyze trends in marital status and health among about 1.1 million participants: married, widowed, divorced, separated and never-married adults ages 25 to 80.

The study appears in the September issue of the Journal of Health and Social Behavior. "




  1. No offense, but feminism is not the  point here at all, kind of a red herring.  You give a lot of data, none of which is directly related to feminism.  It's fine to question feminism, which has definitely had it's strengths and weaknesses, but you did not make the connection clear.

  2. Yes, Feminism is to blame, but more importantly the woman behind the movements progress are to blame. At its birth the purpose was good. But, it has gone too far. I take note of the following part of the report:

    In contrast, the study also pointed to an emerging trend toward worsening health in those who had previously been married in comparison to their married peers...

    The above is related to feminism, in regard to child support, alimony, property rights, etc ( family law ). They are unfair and need to be be evened-out.

    When the laws are even it will be the birth of longer marriages, happier families, and more financial equity.

  3. Blame?  Blame sounds like you are implying that health improvements in men are bad.   Healthier men is a good thing.  Who gets the credit?  Medical advances benefited women more than men in the past, albeit the lifespan of both have lengthened sizably since 1900.  But men have benefited somewhat less.  It seems that is now experiencing a correction.  Good.  

    There is no blame to be had.

  4. Yes, it's the fault of the feminist movement for unmarried men and men in general having greater access to health care :)! Feminism is for equality and when men are not receiving adequate health care compared to women, something must be done. Also, in general feminists are decocrats/liberals who are in favor of universal health care! Also, it has lessened this stupid superior male ego which made men feel superior and too good to get health care and also as though they have to work their butts off just to support the family and not have the wife enter the workforce. I hate that male ego that a lot of guys have. I am happy to hear that men are receiving the health care they need, as well as women.  

  5. It is good hear that unmarried men are doing better! It could be partly because society now expects them to have a life instead of just working and working.

    Today's workplaces that include women might help all men in terms of being a healthier place because now all human beings can express feelings, get time off to see their kids' events or when their kids are sick, and workplaces don't have to be just places where you 'get ahead'.

    In addition if unmarried men are g*y men then society's acceptance of them would increase their quality of life and that is partly due to WOMEN accepting them as co-workers, friends and regular human beings.  

  6. No, feminism is not to blame (or credit, as the case may be). Society as a whole has become more accepting of single people, which works out well for everyone.

  7. Even if feminism was the cause for single men being healthier today than in the past-why would you "blame" feminism-don't you want single men to get healthier?? I'm glad men are getting healthier-regardless of their marital status. I don't see what feminism has to do with single men getting healthier. I fail to see a correlation and you haven't provided any. This wasn't even a good try at blaming feminism-it makes no sense. Zero for logic; one for originality; three for sexism (why wouldn't women want men to be healthy?) 0-10 scale; 10 best.    

  8. As the doctor in the article points out, cohabitation in the U.S. has risen 1000% since the 1960's , which might help to explain this new data. I would hesitate to point a finger at feminism when it seems that the researchers neglected to examine all factors for this increase in health.  

  9. Just goes to show that progress and freedom of choice benefit everyone.  

  10. Absolutely feminism is to 'blame'.

    Just think, unmarried men now realise they too can cook, sew, clean and be responsible for their own health and diet without having to rely on the work of a wife to do so.

    Hooray for men and hooray for the women who stopped doing it to enable men to discover they were capable of making the transition!

    Cheers :-)

  11. Maybe men  are wising up and going to the Doctor when they are sick, and getting check-ups without having to be nagged by their wives.  Good for them!

  12. You can get bogus statistics to support any argument. If anything is linked, it's happiness to health. And happiness is a state of mind, so if you are happy being single then you will have a more postive outlook. If you are happy being married to your soulmate you will be happy.

    There's much more to peoples happiness and health than being pigeon holed in 'married' or 'unmarried;'.

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