
Never mind improving, just go, do you think Gordon Brown will listen to Lord Desai?

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Should he just quit or does the man need more time to fix the mess he's made so far? Views.




  1. He's a dead man walking.  It's his personality that's the problem, not the policies, no inspiration, no ideas.  He won't quit though, they never do, we need a night of the long knives but I don't think anyone in the Labour party has a stomach for it, so Brown will just stagger on, deluding himself and no one else.

  2. To be replaced by who though ? To give the dour git a bit of leeway it does seem to be a ' global ' mess its not just our country up **** creek is it ? Hard times all round....

    But we live in a disposable society and the media are all too happy to join in the baying for resignations at the drop of a hat . Not that I think he's up to the job but I can't think of anyone credible to replace him .

    Personally I think Amy Winehouse might has well have a go .

  3. We should have a General Election to see who the public wants.

  4. who could replace him even if he does, there isn't anyone with any real credability , looks at who there is currently Ed Balls, Mr Strange if there ever was one, Milliband, looks like a schoolboy who got caught having a f ag  behind the bike sheds, Jack Straw, man of straw more like and sorry but the women are worse and that's really sad to say, coming from a woman.

    F ag as in cigarette!

  5. He should just go.He's messed up the country for over a

    decade.If he does a general election and nothing else.Except

    riots on the streets if there isn't.

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