
Neverous about a new all girl high school

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this is my first time going to a cathlic or all girl highschool. I can not imange high school without boys, football, or normal clothes. I think people there are weird(no offince) I need total help! I do not want high school suck. My mom is making me go. Do you think I should try to talk her out of it or what. I need help!!!




  1. You should enjoy your time there.. you wont have the added pressure

  2. its not that wierd. the no boys thing sucks but u still have football, the football team is an all boys high school near ur school and they have dances together and u get to meet all the cute private boys they are the best!!! About the uniforms they are skirts so u could experiment wit it like in length i think u should give it a try  

  3. Well, yes! If u really don't want to change school let her know that and maybe she will reconsider sending u away from ur friends and old school...

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