
Neville should of killed Bellatrix???

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Does anyone else think that Neville should of killed Bellatrix?




  1. Not necessarily!

    JK probably didn't want the good charactors going in for revenge but I do see your point.

    BTW... I know I am annoying but in your name it should be You're  not your.

  2. h**l, yes!

    I thought the whole point of writing in the Longbottom/Lestrange history was that Neville would finally get to avenge his parents on Bellatrix. After having him kill Nagini, he should have polished her off too!.

    I also don't like the way Molly killed Bella. I mean, a woman who has spent her whole adult life bringing up her children to behave ad not swear is not suddenly going to yell the word ***** in front of a large crowd. And this fight just came out of the blue, with no build-up to it whatsoever. "She is mine!" why? Molly may never have seen Bella in her life until that point, why suddenly declare a vendetta now? I think JKR could have something so much better sith this scene.

    Sorry about the rant. I just think Neville should have killed Bellatrix.

  3. I'm a little on the fence about this it would have been totally awesome to see Neville get revenge, but then again i think that would ruin his air innocence. I'm happy that he got to kill Nagini though, that would have felt invigorating!


  4. Well I thought there were a couple of possiblities of who might kill Bellatrix : One of whom was Neville

    Then I also thought of Hermione, because of the way she crucio'ed her, and Harry Because of Sirius.

    But I think ultimately Jo made the right decision, Because we are inclined to assume that Molly weasley isnt much of a good witch, because she is a house-wife. But I think it was her way of showing the hidden diamond!

    I simply loved the fact that Molly Killed Bella, because it showed a parents love and goodness and willingness to protect the world for her children.

    So yes, I think Neville would have been justified if it had been him, but I think Jo made the right decision!

  5. No, not at all...

  6. No, in the last book he rebeled against authority, but it would of been too much if he killed Bellatrix. He's to innocent, not a murderer!

  7. Yer, I agree with the previous answer, maybe it would have been a bit of obvious if Neville or Harry killed her. It kind of showed us the thing that Dumbledore was always saying: about love and friendships triumphing over evil etc. And that seen when Molly says "NOT MY DAUGHTER YOU *****" is just so funny.

  8. No, I don't.

    I think Neville should HAVE killed Bellatrix.

    I actually don't care, but I needed to point that out.


    YOU'RE = you are

    YOUR = your!

    Hey! Don't give ME a thumbs down! I'm trying to help people with their English. I'm sorry if you think that's BAD.

    im' maekin teh wrold a beterr plece wih edutcashon but wood u rater hav    a world were people ca'nt tipe!tha'ts woot i thot?...!

  9. noooo.

    then he would have split his soul.

    who cares about molly!

  10. I agree with Ginerva.

    Neville would have killed Bella.

    If it was me, I would have blasted her into smitherings.

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