
New Allergies After Giving Birth?

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I just had a my fourth baby a month ago. I was on antibiotics for a wound infection from the c section, then developed hives from an allergic reation to that. Since then, I've gotten hives from all different kinds of foods, although I can't pinpoint which ones. Or it could be my down filled pillows.

So, is it possible to develop new allergies after giving birth? And if so, do they ever go away?




  1. Thank you for posting this question.  I thought I was the only one...

  2. yes because some of your hormonse might go down and some might go up. so there is a lot of imbalances in your body now so it just needs time to adjust. i remember that i have allergies before getting pregnant but after giving birth i can now eat lobsters and other seafoods without having any allergy trouble.

  3. i believe so, because it happened to me, i also don't know what is causeing my allergic reations, i think it's my pain killers

  4. Finally I've found someone who has similar reactions to me! I'm not sure what the answer is, but yep - it's definitely possible. It must be the change in hormones or something... I never used to be allergic to eggs/raw eggs or watermelon and now I can't eat them. When I do I get a terrible gut pain. Never used to have a reaction when I drank white wine, now I get terrible chest pains and indigestion... It's SO frustrating! I'm not game enough to try them again.. I'm pregnant the 2nd time around and hoping my hormones will go back into place but I'm too scared to try!

    I hope it all goes well for you, it sounds as though you've been through a tough time. Maybe get checked out to see if you really are allergic.... Could it be that your system first needs to get rid of the infection/antibiotics? Maybe your body will turn back to normal once everything heals up. Maybe try a couple of things, natural soaps, natural machine washing powder etc etc. Good luck, I really hope it improves for you!

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