
New Betta Fish-Few Questions

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I have krill I got at wal-mart that I sometimes feed my turtle. Can i give small pieces of this to my betta? Also how can I make my betta more colorful. It came from walmart so its not in real good shappe right now. Also I have a lime green plant in his tank. Since bright colored fish anger them, would this plant anger him? Just curious.




  1. well, your betta should be fed a diet f haf betta peelets and half a mix of frozzen  or freeze dried:





    brine shrimp

    as for the color... bettas become EXTREMELY active, colorfl ad happy hen put in a tnak of atleast 5g with gentle filter and a heater set to 80* F... give him plants and a cave to hide=]

    n o, the plant will not anger him=]

  2. you cannot feed other animal food to fish the fish are really sensitive to anything they could sense if the food is turtle food. if u wanna know  a cool fact about bettas if u have a female betta you can mix them in with like 9 other females and they wont kill eachother thats the reason siamese fighting fish are my favorite

  3. No, buy him some Betta food, little tiny pebbles that float (That is what they like) this food also helps make his colors brighter and better, as to the plant, nope, fish are not that dumb, he will know an enemy when he sees it so a plastic plant should be OK.

  4.   It's the shape and movement that provokes them.  He will likely enjoy the plant as long as it lacks sharp edges.  His preferred food is high protein so krill is okay, but you'll need to crush it in your fingers.  I'd look into to getting a betta flake with worms/shrimp/fish as the 1st listed component.  

      Good color is influenced by the following clean water, warmth (75-85F), healthy diet, lack of stress, and genetics.  

  5. buy him betta food or tropical fish flakes and it might make him angry

  6. Betta fish love krill...feed it to him once or twice a week..really just 3-4 small pieces...he ll love it..I give krill to my betta as a treat..once a week...get Hikari Betta pellets and feed 2-3 pellets a day...For a betta it is good to feed him sparingly..every other day is fine too...and keep his gravel clean...get uneaten food out...cos that can cos bacterial infections...feed him good food..and keep his water pristine..he ll get healthy and show good the plant won't anger him...also it is good to keep a betta in a 4-5 gallon walmart you get them pretty 20-30$...but they make an excellent home for a betta, as they have filters...and then the betta will really have good health and good can also get him bloodworms as a treat...

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