
New Breeder of Ragdolls?

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Just a few question.I have a mentor that im waiting for to return back from the Olympic Games she has a further 9days left until her return back to New Zealand. I have invested alot of money and time and am not looking for a financial gain at all. It dosent worry me if they have only 2 kittens at a time even though i would only let each queen breed once a year, twice at maximum. I have through Jenny Grinkins been sucessfull to import my Queen's from Private Breeders one from Rio de Janero South America and my other queen from Sydney Australia all of course of the fininest avaliable. My male is kiwi born and breed.

Im not 100% know if my male has indeed mated with my females. As i am not around them every single moment of every day.

I know the classic signs of a cat coming into heat.

But now neither of my cats are interested at all in my boy.

The only thing i have noticed is that they are very affecionate way more than usual.

The reason i believe that i became a breeder is to preserve the breed strengthen them with new blood lines as Ragdolls are still a new breed.

Also i worked at the SPC since i was 15 years old. Seen things that i wouldnt wish on other things. Also my time there i homed 104 Cats and 419 kittens.

Please anyhelp would be usefull.

Also the term Redening - is that when their nipples get enlarged and red??(any more information would be great) i asked a question prior but only had the basics. Any help please




  1. I know you're worried, but you need to leave well enough alone.

    Cats have, and are, breeding faster than we can find homes for them.  Pedigreed cats are no different.

    The more you freak about it, the more tension they pick up from you, the more miserable you're all going to be.


    Read a book, watch TV, turn on some music, cuddle your kitties.

    Heat cycles and pregnancy will progress with or without you watching breathlessly for each individual sign.  All cats are different, and will show in different ways.  What is it helping to be constantly staring at their nipples?  It's not.  Pretty soon the cats will start avoiding the nipple staring freak who can't mind her own business.  LOL!

    Wait for your mentor to come over and look. DON'T go to a vet!  Again, stress is bad for all involved, and cats don't appreciate vet trips.

    Leave them alone!

  2. The fact you're asking these questions online to strangers - some of whom which are twelve years old - just proves you have no business being a breeder.

    Do you have any clue about how many animals are put to death at shelters ever single year?  MILLIONS.  And yes, some of those are even Ragdolls.

    Please leave breeding to the experts that are doing so to better the breed and have been mentored by someone for YEARS.

    I find it quite shocking that you've worked in rescue so many years and yet still want to breed cats.

    Edit: so you think that "breeders around the world" will want YOUR cats?  You're a new breeder with ZERO experience.  And a bad speller as well.  You DO need a "lecture" because you're completely delusional.   Breeders want champion cats that come from a long line of champions - not cats from backyard breeders who ask how to do things on Yahoo Answers!

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