
New Business: Good Idea or Tragic Mistake?

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It's always been my dream to start my own business. So I decided to turn my dream into a reality. It's taken a while to get the plans together and finalized (funding and such). Along the way I've hit numerous road blocks, but I've hung in there.

Now, with the price of gas people aren't spending what they were, so I'm starting to second guess my decision to start my business. I've already invested so much time, effort, and money into it to just see it disappear though.

Some people say that when times are rough it is the best time to start a new business because you stand out. Others say it's bad.

So, does anyone have any opinions on this?

**Please don't ask for details about the business. All I will say is that it's a service that has been around for a very long time, I'm just putting a new and improved twist on it. Everyone that I've shared my plans with think it's going to be a big hit!!




  1. You've spent alot of time, used alot of money, know in your mind that it will be a success. Despite the prices of gas people will still spend money. I mean yeah we got a jump in gas price but soon everyone will get their cost of living raise($0.50 here in PA)

    If its a service already offered but your putting a twist to it that will make it stand out then I say go for it. I'm doing the same kind of thing myself. Starting a new business can be scary, so can having a child or buying a house. But one thing is for sure those are safer then walking in an unlit area at night.

  2. Kind of hard to give a really good opinion without know what your business is. However, since you've already spent alot of time and money on it I say --- just go do it!  Stop stalling and get your business up and running.  You'll always be wondering if you don't do it and it will always be nagging you.  Just try it out and see.

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