
New Camera Help?

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Do you think this would be a good camera for me i am 12 years old and i like doing some photography. I also go on a lot vacation with my family and like to take photos when i am on vacation.




  1. A good camera to get is the Canon PowerShot  A590 IS. My mom got one; It works great! (I mean, if you know how to use it...) It has lots of functions like Night Pic: You can take pictures at nighttime and it looks brighter than day! Another funtion is Kids and Pets: It takes a picture with people moving around with out a blur! That's all for now!

  2. well.. you're young and photography is a great hobby. high 5 lol. anyways, if youre REALLY into it and want a great camera, look at slr cameras. theyre a bit on the expensive side, maybe wait for christmas. my aunt has a powershot and its a great camera. check these out:

  3. Good pick!!!!

    Rich in features, excellent image quality and most important - reasonable price.
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