
New Civil Laws Obama wants to bring that Mccain doesnt?

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These are the Civil Laws Obama wants to bring:

End Racial Profiling

Strengthen Civil Rights Enforcement

Combat Employment Discrimination

Expand Hate Crimes Statutes

End Deceptive Voting Practices

Reduce Crime Recidivism by Providing Ex-Offender Support

Eliminate Sentencing Disparities

Expand Use of Drug Courts

Why doesnt Mccain have a section on his website that tackles these issues too?

No wonder People are still voting Mccain as they clearly dont want these laws.




  1. Well I can play your lack of logic game. McCain knows that blacks are going to vote for the black guy so he isn't trying to get their vote. So even though he may want to see these things for the most part he isn't going to take the time to highlight it, knowing it won't help him.

    Big thing is McCain KNOWS the limitations of the Presidency and isn't going to go around making promises like this. He KNOWS how hard it is to get things done in Congress, since he actually served in the Senate. Also you can't "end" racial profiling. It ISN'T legal now. So how is Obama going to stop it?  

  2. I think you mean civil rights laws.

    Also, I support Barak but I despise bad logic.  Your argument is a silly false choice.

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