
New Computer...Windows Vista-Home Premium SP1 or Windows XP SP2?

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I'm getting a new computer soon and i'm looking for advice on what to get for my desktop pc. Either Windows Vista Home-Premium SP1 or Windows XP SP2. Ive read reports and people say XP is better but i need a powerful computer which supports my data and system guidelines. I have Intel Core 2 Duo, 2GB Ram, 80GB HDD, 1GB of Nvidia GeForce 9600GT. What shall i do guys?




  1. i would have xp so many problems with vista wait till sp2 then by vista and xp had many problems on sp1 but sp2 is great. plus driver work better on it. vista has many massive problems

  2. you're on limits of vista 32 bit, if you want to add more ram you should go for 64 bit to make use of full speed,

    but i still think vista is c**p

  3. That's an XP rig. Nothing "powerful" about an 80GB hard drive and 2 GBs of ram. I prefer Vista but it requires more hard drive space and, because it does more than XP needs more ram. Biggest prob with Vista are the people who put it in obsolete towers or buy the cheapest towers they can find with inept ram and expecting it to run like a $3000 gaming rig. Vista's come a long way in the last year. I build and sell high-end gaming towers so all my rigs go out the door with 64bit Ultimate because the hard-core gamers want Vista and DX10. XP and DX9 are yesterday's news in gaming but if you're not an extreme gamer XP will suite your needs ok. Can't tell because "my data and system guidelines" doesn't tell us diddly about what youre gonna be using it for.  

  4. Firstly, the latest service pack for XP is SP3, not SP2.

    Secondly, with that spec you should be able to run Vista without problems.

  5. I recently bought a new computer running vista home premium to replace my old xp sp2 running machine, and found it slightly faster,(both the machines are virtually identical in spec.)  I would recommend vista if you're using the computer for entertainment, BUT it is a lot more 'visual' so if you are going to use the computer for work then I recommend xp, as it is less 'in your face' on the visual side of things.

    Hope that helps

  6. The technology of XP is quite old now.  XP has been around since 2001.  It is time to embrace the new and the new is Vista.  There is a lot out there to choose from; with various speeds available and Nvidia GeForce works even better with Vista.   By the way SP1 and SP2 means Service packs 1 & 2.  These are to do with the security of your machine which Microsoft provide.  Go for Vista. The interface is clearer and it is the way forward.

    All the best now.

  7. Get Windows Vista Home Premium SP1. I love it and it is very secure.

  8. if you want to use direct x10 (really cutting edge-graphics) then you have to have vista, but if you want speed... lots of it, go with xp.

  9. Vista will run great on that machine but if you want to get a bit more fps on games i would stick to XP. Also would suggest getting a bigger hard drive.

  10. well if your going to run vista you are going to need to meet the following 5 options

    1# your computer is going to need at least a 1gb of ram to run vista effiantly, however if you want optimum performance (ideal for games) then get 2 gb of ram

    you have

    2gb of ram is very nice as you be able to do some serious multitasking with that.

    2# a decent graphics card because with all the ram your sytem takes up you will need somthing to support gaming

    you have

    1gb nvida gefore 9600Gt is very very nice and will work well with vista as it needs a lot of ram to run

    3# a decent processer is required to support the speed of a of aa computer to run certain things

    you have

    intel core duo 2 which is very fast and is recomended for vista as they have two cores running at the same speed

    4# a big hard drive as vista can take a lot of space in your hardrive to store sytem files ect

    you have

    80 GB hard drive hmm not realy reccomended as a computer running vista should the mini mum of a 120 gb hard drive

    5#lots and lots of pataince because vista tends to be harder to operate than other operating system and isnt as compatable either

    you have

    thats for you to deside lol

    you should xp if you want

    1# maximum performance as windows xp only takes a mini mum of 200mb of you harddrive giving you a whole lot more to play around with

    you have

    2 gb of ram which would be faster than vista because xp dosnt use as much ram.

    2# full compatablility is the best thing about windows xp as it is almost compatable with every thing

    you have

    everything needed to get the most out of your pc so it would be wise to install xp

    3# takes less space of you hardrive up giving you more space to store information

    you have

    80 gb hardrive which would be a lot easyier on the space than vista as it dosnt need as much information to run

    5# a good processer would be good for xp because it would extend it compatablitity with diffrants thins

    you have

    intel core 2 duo wich will extend it by far on windows xp

    bacially if you want the latest and greatest upgrades, go with vista but the only thing that worrys me is your 80 gb harddrive as it is reccomend you have more. go for xp if you want super speed and it would be much better for you hardrive.

    id say xp as it would bener fit you more

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