
New Deck Just Made Last Night?

by  |  earlier

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Monsters 17

2 Horus Lv8

1 Horus Lv6

2 Jinzo

1 Zombyra the Dark

2 Big Eye

1 Sangan

3 Nimble Momonga

1 Maryokutai

1 King of the Swamp

1 man Eater Bug

1 Spirit Reaper

1 Marshmallon

Magic 20

1 Monster Reborn

1 Mystical Space Typhoon

1 Premature Burial

1 Swords of Revealing Light

3 Messenger of Peace

1 Lightning Vortex

1 Magical mallet

1 Giant Trunade

1 Level Limit Area B

3 Dimension Hole

2 Different Dimension Capsule

1 Polymerization

3 Wave Motion Cannon

Trap 6

3 Solemn Judgment

1 Magic Cylinder

1 Bottomless Trap Hole

1 Gravity Bind

Fusion 1

The Last Warrior from Another Planet

Deck total is 43. I tried to keep it low to get everything I need. Big Eye helps a lot too. It is to summon Horus Lv 8 and Jinzo, then use Dimensionhole to remove them from play for 1 turn, summon The Last Warrior from Another Planet and make it lock down. I wouldve used Thousand Eyes but hes banned. Also King of the Swamp Helps. Please rate and give me some advice!




  1. he shoots

    he scores

    2 points

  2. to bad monster reborn has been banned it was like the first card on the list

  3. 20 monsters

    2 horus lv 8

    3 horus lv 6

    2 horus lv 4

    3 gravekepper's spy

    3 jinzo

    1 marshmalloon

    1 spirit reaper

    1 treeborn frog

    2 cyber dragon

    2 legendarry jujitsu master

    14 spells

    2 soul exchange

    2 bok of moon

    2 emeny controller

    1 mon reborn

    1 pre burial

    1 heavy

    1 m s t

    1 smashing ground

    1 lightning vortex

    1 brain control

    1 pot of avarice

    6 traps

    3 solemn judgment

    2 bottomless trpa hole

    1 mirror force

  4. try adding some royal decrees and some dark bribes. maybe take out the whole fusion thing and replace it with the silent swordsman set so it looks like this:( also reduce the spell and trps by 3-6)


    1 horus lv 4

    2 horus lv 6

    2 horus lv 8

    2 silent swordsman lv 3

    2 silent swordsman lv 5

    2 silent swordsman lv7

    1 Jinzo(if you run one jinzo make sure you have 2 decrees)

    1 marshmallon

    1 spirit reaper

    1 sangan

    1 snipe hunter

    3 nible momongas

    im not that good with spell and trps so you figure that part out.

  5. not super good but not bad either in time you will get more cards to improve it good luck

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