
New Earth and Its Sun?

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I don't pretend to be some kind of scientist or anything here, but isn't it infeasible that this Earth like planet in the link below could not possibly be because of it's red giant star that appears to be close enough in distance to incinerate it?

I know for fact that if the star is bigger, the planets need to be further away so as to not get cooked to a crisp like Mercury is by our sun everyday.




  1. Although this planet is much closer to it's parent star than we are to our Sun, you must keep in mind that the star is much smaller in comparison to our Sun. The "Goldilocks zone" will therefore vary depending on the size of the star. This planet is in the Goldilocks zone, which means that the planet will remain at a cooler temperature than what you would expect.

  2. You need to re-read the cited article. Notice that the parent star, Gliese 581, is only about 1/3 the size of our sun. It's *not* a red giant. Further into the article you also find reference to what's called the 'Goldilocks Zone.' That's the zone around any given star within which a planet could have liquid water on its surface, an atmosphere, and surface temperatues neither too hot nor too cold for life to develop.
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