
New Electric Cars?

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I heard about the new electric cars. Do you know any websites that features lists and pictures of cheap, electric cars?




  1. Electric cars are the way to go, if you calculate it. It is cheaper and your helping the environment. Ok The phoenix electric car is a good vehicle. The battery lasts for 250,000 miles and gets a 100 mile range per charge and charges in 10 minutes!! It costs the same as a hummer, $40,000 to $50,000.  And its not a dinky looking thing either. Hope you enjoy


  2. Cheap may be a problem.  

    The new electric everyone is talking about is tehe Tessla--but it is being marketed first as a high-end sports car ($92-100,000).  They do heve 2 much less expensive models under development, however Their website is

    Chevrolet (and others) are working on electrics.  For a look at Chevy's concept car, try

  3. Bob Lutz, product guy from GM, said, in an interview i heard last week, can't remember if it was detroit or Canadian TV where i saw it.  that he hopes to offer the Chevy Volt, nicely equipt for under $30,000

  4. It would help if you gave more information about your needs (i.e. range, top speed, cost).

    ZAP sells various versions of the Xebra

    It costs about $10,000 and has a range of 25 miles per charge and a top speed of 40 mph.

    There are also neighborhood electric vehicles which are basically souped-up golf carts than can go up to 20-25 mph.

    There's the ZENN, which can go up to 25 mph with a range of abot 35 miles per charge for around $13,000.

    Then there's the more expensive ones.  The Phoenix SUT will be able to go 100+ miles/charge, up to 95 mph, though I'm not sure of the cost.

    The ZAP Alias will go 100 miles/charge, up to 100 mph, and cost around $30,000.  The ZAP-X will go 350 miles/charge, up to 155 mph, and cost around $60,000.

    And the Tesla Roadster will go 200 miles/charge, 150 mph, and cost $92,000.

  5. NO the cost of the batteries could be$ 20,000 .

  6. depends where you are -

    and what you mean by "cheap"

    see for lists & pictures of possibilites

    but there are not many for sale outside california US.

    Ford, GM Toyota et al have all withdrawn vehicles - see

    there is the small city runabout Reva/G-wiz made in Bangalore, available in London UK

  7. There are some new electric only cars but they are very expensive and some are even meant as high performance.  I don't think the investment money is in electric, it seems to be in hydrogen cell which is a generation advanced from hybride and ethanol.  Hybrid and ethanol  are just bridges to the future of pollution free, oil free transportation while hydrogen cell is the future.  Of course, if we could make most of public transportation electric and no use of home heating oil or industrical use of oil to fire boilers then we would we would be halfway there.  Hydrogen cell is not only oil free its pollution free and it is the future.  I would love to have an electric car for local commutes but they cost too much for me to make it worthwhile.
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