
New Fish Forum ... Feedback appreciated.

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Hi Guys,

I have recently set up a new tropical fish forum and i'm looking for feedback, it is fun, friendly and informative, and a great place to hang out for fishkeepers of all experiences. please click on the link and let me know what you think of the set up ...

Many thanks Mike




  1. It is really cool. I am a member of monster fishkeepers and this almost seems better. Do I have to sign in and like make a account. I think it is well organized.

    I made a website about water rockets:

    I found it time consuming and know how much effort it takes. Well done on the website.

  2. It's basically the same type of format I've seen on other sites.  40 members already?  How many of those are just ID's you put in there to bulk up your membership count?  Seems like you are trying to do something good.  Why don't you put your experience and qualifications? Also, this isn't exactly the best place to advertise your site like that.   Put it on your profile maybe and try answering questions here.   There are a large number of people in this site that spit out anecdotal information left and right without having a clue.  You sure you want people from here on a more professional site?

  3. looks good. as a former forums host i would recommend that you scale down. the whole plant thing at the bottom is very good as you specialize, but that would be better later on or in a plant section and then have sub sections.

    the reason is because you dont want a new former to be so expanded.

    the fewer the better.

    but again if your host site allows i would make general boards and then have like a "planted" section then sub boards inside of that forum like your low light or high light..

    also i would like to see a bigger saltwater aquarium sections. personally i love my saltwater tanks and having a small section is alittle dishearting.

    the way my forum was set up was a general, freshwater, saltwater, off topic boards.... then typical discussion groups under their boards.

    please dont get me the wrong way.. it looks great but those are my suggestions.  

    i registered under bettachris if you would like any help.  

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