
New HD Television question?

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I just bought a new HD television with a built in DVD player. The picture is great, but not HD. It is hooked up to cable, so I know I have to exchange the old cable box for a new HD cable box, but my question is: When I played a DVD it was not in HD. Is there a magic button on the TV that makes it HD or do I have to buy DVD's that are already in HD? Thank you




  1. what connection are you using?  component video(3 cables for just video, red green and blue) or hdmi should give you at least some improvement over a normal tv.  Getting a dvd player that upconverts will help even more.  Blu-ray (or hd-dvd which won't be around for long) will also upconvert and have dvd's which will be true high def.

    You can also double check the settings on both the tv and dvd player to see if 720p or 1080i are enabled.

  2. You do not need blu-ray or hd-dvd player, but you at least need a dvd upconvert player.  Why they put a standard dvd player in an hd tv without upconversion is beyond me, but that's not a great combination.

  3. To watch HD broadcast for free, just connect an antenna to your tv and receive it free over the airways. New HDTV's have built in tuners that allow you to receive digital signals put out from your local stations. Cable is necessary if you want "cable channels".

    Your DVD player must be blue ray and you must rent blue ray disk to have HD DVD in your DVD player. No blue ray, no HD DVD!

  4. There are no HDTVs that come with a built in Blu-ray player.  Unfortunately if you want to watch a true high definition DVD you will need to attach an external Blu-ray disk player.

  5. It has to be an HD DVD.  In order for a program to be HD, it must be made that way from the start (HD camera, HD editing, HD DVD, HD DVD player, HD player, HD TV).  If anything in this chain is not HD, then you don't get HD.

    I hope this helps.

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