
New Jersey Drug charges?

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my cousin was arrestede last week in one of the shore points in Jersey on drug charges it's unknown to me how much he had on him but from my understanding he was selling it. I know it's his 3rd offense not In Jersey and I'm not sure what the other two arrests were for he has never done any jail time so they couldn't of been anything serious. his bail is $400,000.00. Can anyone shed some light on this for me? I just want to know what possible time he will have to do and what makes it Federal not state? I'm guessing for the amount of his bail he must be in a lot of trouble?




  1. $400,000 bail is not excessive, but would indicate a flight victim if let lose.

    Federal? Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms Division may have been working a sting operation? You say shore points like traffic in boat delivery to coastal point? Would be Coast Guard and federal Offense by motor boat?

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