
New Jersey age of enrollment?

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How can I enroll my child in school if he/she is born after 10/1. As I understand it, only children who are 5 before 10/1 can be enrolled in the current school year. I do not want to wait until my child is practically 6. Even private schools I called say they follow the state guidelines. How can I seek an exemption, who should I talk to?






    good luck

  2. I work in a private school in new jersey.  my boss says she follows these guidelines but there are times that she makes an exception-the school only goes up to kindergarten. but for public school-they are very strict and will not accept your child any earlier.  there may be loop holes but i don't know of any. that 10/1 rules is ridiculous-i know how you feel.

  3. Before my daughter could go to school,she had to take a bunch of skills tests,but was denied the first time she took the tests because she was too shy with the examiner the first time and didn't do what the person wanted.

    When she went in for the second time,she took the examiner in the room,closed the door sat at the desk and did all the tests exactly the way the examiner wanted them done. I was told she was too shy and still would not recommend her for schooling.

    Child psychologists say it has to do with maturaty.

    Guidelines are just that-guidelines. For an exemtion,you will have to talk to your local school district and your child will have to take similar tests.

  4. I have a birthday in late October. My parents have always said they wished that they had waited another year to put me in school. My youngest child's birthday is 9 days before the cut off and I am thinking about keeping him out an extra year. I know it is not what you want to here, but wait.

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