
New Jersey does not allow self-serve gasoline stations??? Why is the state so backward?

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New Jersey does not allow self-serve gasoline stations??? Why is the state so backward? This means that a driver or passenger cannot get out of their car and simply pump the gas themelves. They have to wait for someone working at the gas station to attend to their needs and take care of the cash/credit transactions. What F is wrong with this state? How can a state, known for being so modern, hard-nosed, practical be so backward and stuck in the 1950s? Jersey, you're an embarassment to the whole Mid-Atlantic region and the USA too.




  1. As backwards as it is, it gives people a job. Besides, with so many people stealing gas these days, its a good idea.  When I went to NJ I kinda felt sorry for the guys pumping the gas because it was the middle of winter.

  2. Ask Oregon.

  3. orgean doesnt allow self pay either

    I think its a just to way to try to keep the unemployments

    figures down

    and besides who likes smelling like gas  in the first place?

    and even in california you can still find a full services stations as well

    I dont think its backwards either its jsut they way they do businesss

  4. The main reason that the State of New Jersey has not allowed self-serve gas pumps is that every time someone pumps their own gas, someone is put out of work.

    The gas station attendants need to feed their families too.

    So if protecting your work force is backwards, then let me go out as saying I am backwards too!

  5. Dude why hate on new jersey it is a great state. i think its because they dont want people to roll back the pumps and steal gas

  6. Contact your legislature

  7. Tony Soprano doesnt like to smell like gas when he goes to visit his gumars

  8. It's spelled UNION. The unions lobbied the state legislature years ago so that they could insure there would be union laborers pumping your gas.

  9. The real reason is that when people pump their own gas they get a very small amount of it on the ground.  Multiply that by billions of people in the world who pump gas and now you have thousands of gallons a day being spilled on the ground causing pollution.  New Jersey is not backwards, but instead progressive.  They are trying to stop pollution in their state.

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