
New Jersey fathers getting slammed by the system and thier Ex's!!!!!!!!!?

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I'm a father of a little girl whom I love with ever last bit of my existents and I believe that the only reason why I'm still here is because of her! Because I was on a path of almost certain destruction until I looked into her eyes. And at that moment, I realize what my life was now about. I'm trying very, very hard to do the "right thing"!!! But it is very hard! Long story short.....the courts are slamming me for support (and I'm not talking peanuts!). So much that I had to work a few jobs! Which I didn't really mind but it meant less time of seeing my daughter!! And that, I did mind!!!!!!! Today I sit here stressed out and crying!!! I see my daughter 10 hrs on Sunday (but not the last 2 because I had to work). I'm in my rears in child support! I owe the IRS money! I have never been able to claim my daughter (she'll be 7 in October). My truck is falling apart! I live in a small/nice but cheap (thank God) apartment. I can't even afford to seek mental help! I'm running out of room! WHY




  1. Its not just in new jersey its everywhere. Unfortunately feminists have made it so men have no rights except to pay up when it comes to  parental rights. Its really sad. My husband is getting slammed big time. $1500 a month for a 3 year old. His bitter ex wife does the bare minimum for work so he has to pay more. We never even get to see the little girl. You are not alone. Some fathers dont even get to see their little ones.

  2. WELL YOU CAN ASK FOR MORE TIME OR THAT YOU CHILD SUPPORT BE REDUCED. HERE IN TEXAS ITS ONLY supposed to be 20% of your income. als o you can try to work it out so you can see her on your days off or you can ask that you days off be when you have oyur daughter. the system is terrible we finally got a court date through the attorney general for a change of status after we have complained for almost 3 years. we'r the only one that take the child to the doctor, dentist, sign her up for school, participate in school, pu t her in activities, etc. she send her over dirty, clothes too small or too big and we have her 13 days out of the month and we pay the full 20% of his income. hopefully all will go we with us we're just praying it works out.

  3. Now I'm about to cry. That is awful. Anyway that you can get custody of your daughter??  Document everything and fight for custody. I bet your ex isn't a pure angel because no real human being would let another one suffer so. Someone I know committed suicide because he was mentally unstable but also his ex pushed him over the judge by continually dragging him to court. She knew what she was doing. She's evil. She made plenty of money. $250,000 is what I heard.

    There has to be a support group because you are not alone.

    My husband pays $800 a month supporting his kids. What kills me is the waste I see and the stuff that is being neglected for the kids, socks, clothes, etc. (waste is how much spending money they have for games and other stuff that should take less priority than socks and shoes that fit)  It is enough to drive you mad. She takes Caribbean vacations twice a year in addition to weekend trips to NYC. Fine if the kids are being taken care of but they aren't.

    I feel for you immensely. I have no idea what you can do. Have you talked to your lawyer?  But in the meantime, start documenting everything your ex is not doing that she should be doing. Try to get custody so she can pay you child support.

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