
New Kitten's Sleeping Patterns?

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We already have a 3 year old cat and we recently adopted a new kitten. The 3 yr. old has adapted to our sleeping patterns and will keep quiet even if she's awake while we're still sleeping in the early AM hours. Of course, I had to train her when I adopted her, like all kittens. However, our new kitten is quite rambunctious in the morning. I know this should be expected, but I can't train him the same way I trained my older cat (ignore it until the kitten realizes the behavior gets no reaction in the AM). My cat gives him the attention he wants: serious play time, sprinting, chasing, etc. The noise wakes us up and is so loud it can't be ignored. What is the best way to teach this kitten that the early AM means it's time to sleep, not time to play? I have been putting him in a separate room when he starts to get rowdy, allowing my husband, older cat, and I to continue to sleep. Will this teach him or just make him feel punished?




  1. Your kitty needs to have some time to get used of new environments. I think he/she is lonely inside.

  2. Kittens don't have a set time to sleep like older cats do. Putting he in a separate room will not only make him feel rejected, it could lead to behavior problems in the future. Try letting your older cat babysit the kitten until he has learn this is how to suppose to be.    

  3. He won't understand what he's done wrong. He's a playful, vigorous cat who is awake and about, and doesn't see why you aren't too, especially as he clearly gets on so well with your other moggy.  As your older cat plays with him on demand, ignoring him isn't going to help keep the noise down. I'm afraid you'll have to put up with it until he matures and calms down a bit.

    Our girl used to come calling at some unearthly hour, yelling and clawing at the bedroom door, and she fairly quickly realised she wasn't getting any response and would stamp back downstairs muttering to herself audibly. It was hilarious, actually, just like a human "huff".  Then she gave that up and wouldn't come up until she heard movement.

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