
New Kitten/Help Please?

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I just got a kitten, shes 5-weeks old and I dont want my parents to find out. So right now shes in my basement in a shoebox with holes in the top with books on top in case if she wanders. Is that safe to keep her in the shoebox like that?




  1. No that's mean.  Admit to your parents you have a kitten.  The kitten probably can't breathe.  It sounds like you don't care about the kitten or your parents.  Just yourself.

  2. I agree with everyone here.  Please try to talk to your parents and persuade them to let you keep the kitten.  Cats are very low maintenance.  Just give them food/water/shelter and a litter box and they'll be super sweet pets.  Most kittens/cats don't need training to use litter box.  

    In the mean time, please use a larger carrier or crate, put food/water and a tiny litter box in there for your kitten.

  3. You're going to kill her; unless she's already dead.  Stupid actions; and probably why your parents won't allow you to have animals.  I'm doing a trace on your IP address, and will be alerting animal control shortly.

  4. That's not really a good idea. The poor thing is probably scared right now and doesn't like being shut up in a small box.

    You really need to tell your parents about this. It's best to be honest and tell your parents right away instead of them finding the kitten in the basement later on. Trust me, if you tell your parents about the kitten, they will help you.

  5. OMG! please tell me ur kidding!! how would YOU FEEL trapped in a shoebox unable to move around in the dark!!

    inevitably your parents are going to find out even if she doesnt move around bc of the smell and if she meows loudly!

    my suggestion is to tell  your parents you found her in the street and beg to keep her!!! -make a list of responsabilities you will do for the kitten to show your parents you can be mature enough to raise it. (such as: clean litter box, feed daily, brush it, etc...)


    and pleeeeeeeease for ALLLLL our sakes (esp the kittens sake) TAKE IT OUT OF THE SHOE BOX IN THE BASEMENT!!!  

  6. what is the harm in your parents finding out? do they not want you to have a kitty? I wouldn't keep her in the basement too long, or in a box with holes. she probably wants some loving and might not like being in a box for a long time. i'd just talk to your parents. just a suggestion.

  7. well the best answer would be to just fess up, but that doesn't really answer your question. But if you cant fess up I would try to think of a better solution.

    First off, what is the size of the shoebox? Because I dont think shoe boxes provide enough room for a kitten to lay, stand and turn around. Maybe you could also leave the basement door shut and leave the kitten out, with food and water. I would at least take the kitten out for 15 minutes three times a day or more, because a normal kitten should have lots of excersise.

    Another solution would be to take it out of the basement when your parents are gone, if your allowed to stay home alone. Or, take it to a friends house, if you go there often. Your friend can take care of it with you, so its safe.

    So, again, the best thing is probably just to admit it. Or try being very responsible and proving to your parents that you can take care of a pet, and tell them that they wont have to do a thing. Hope it goes well. Good luck!

  8. Your question is so outrageous that I think you are winding us up.

    But just in case you are serious, I have reported your question so the RSPCA can get involved. You may be cautioned for cruelty to animals.

    STOP PRESS!!! Just looked at John's history, and 5 days ago he posted that he'd tasted his wife's breast milk. He's just having a little fun.

    Panic over. There's no suffocating kitten here. You got us.

  9. its not safe to keep a kitten in a shoe box for several reasons

    1. its cramped

    2. Its hard for it to breath(even with holes on the top)

    it wants love and care and to get exercise like a lot of other cats and if you keep it in a shoe box its going to be scared and not like you. Plus you can not keep it in a shoe box forever because its going to get bigger and your parents are going to go in the basement sometime and i think they will get curious if the hear a "meow" somewhere in the basement so to get to the point i think you should just tell your parents about the cat because your going to have that on your chest and its better to just tell the truth but thats just my opion you can decide what to do

  10. Uhhhh, NO.  If you can't take care of her, give her a shelter. At least her quality of life will be better.

  11. john ,i don'tthink your mature enough to look after any is absolutely cruel to keep any animal in these circumstances.the poor little thing needs food ,liquids,exercise,love and attention STRAIGHT AWAY,IF YOU HAVE ANY DECENCY IN YOU TELL YOUR PARENTS and get this defenceless animal looked after

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