
New Moon Auditions ....?

by  |  earlier

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How is it possible (for someone who doesn't have an agent) to get an audition with Summit and the casting crew? I was thinking Leah Clearwater, from how they describe her ...I have the look. (not being cocky) But help, does anyone have any ideas?




  1. Not to discourage you, but its a little difficult without an agent. The best way to do it would be to send Summit your resume with a picture. Make sure you call and check that they received it so that they know your serious. Usually, you get a reply. With a decent resume and your best picture, you just might end up Leah! Good luck.

  2. the movie is already cast sorry :(

    and it wouldnt be possible for someone without an agent because it wasnt an open casting call which means you would have to have an agent to get you an appointment for the audition

    if you really want to be an actress get some training and build up  your resume to be able to get an agent in a couple of years

    best of luck!! happy dreaming!!


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