
New Moon movie???????????

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is there gonna be a New Moon movie after Twilight?




  1. I hope they do a movie for every book. I mean they should didnt Eclipse out sell the last Harry Potter?

  2. maybe. i didn't hear any new of it; only of twilight. ^^;

  3. yes there can be

  4. it depends on the success of twilight but most likely there will be another movie after twilight. i can't wait to go and see twilight

  5. I believe so. I've read that they're definately going to be making a trilogy (this was before Breaking Dawn was released, so it didn't mention if they'd be making the fourth movie as well). The Twilight movie will have huge ratings, which was inevitably wind up beginning the production of New Moon.

    So, yes, it's very likely that we'll see New Moon late sometime next year or early 2010.

  6. its possible since there are 4 books

    i hope so

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