
New Mothers Helper for my 22 month old, and my son is not transitioning well.?

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I work from home full time, and I have a girl come in 3 days a week for 3 1/2 hours a day (from 8:30am-noon), to watch my 22 month old during my meetings, etc. For the past year we've had a different girl watching him but we had to let her go because she was unreliable. Long story short, our son cries and won't let go of me when the new girl comes to watch him. As we speak, he is screaming and crying in the backyard because he wants me. I've tried everything, new toys, playing with the 2 of them together and then sneaking away to go work, and nothing works. The new girl started a week ago. I know he was attached to the previous sitter, but we had no choice but to hire someone else. Anyway, any ideas on what I can do to make this transition smoother?




  1. Have you thought of letting the two of them go outside or to the park or something. This would give him something to look forward to when she comes over. I think it is really hard for a child to get close to someone and then have to try and understand where that person went and why there is someone new there. I think he just needs more time. Give him a chance to understand what is going on. Good luck.

  2. if your sure nothing wrong is going on...then he just needs time to get used ot her. its not been that long and your leaving him with someone he doesn't know.

    give it a month and i promise it will improve

  3. Get a nanny cam, maybe she is abusing him.   You can't really trust people you dont know with your kids.

  4. I think you should start finding a different place to do business during those times. So he's in a comfortable surrounding, but with the new person. I'm paranoid about people mistreating little children, so regardless of whether or not you trust her, I think installing the cameras "in case" is a good notion.

    Anyway, try having her be with him, without you in the house, for about a week (or two). You could invite her over for dinner once a week, so he can see her around more often. Don't have her there to take care of your son, but as a "getting to know you" session, for about a month.

    Ultimately, it comes down to her being able to get to your son. You are the teacher of your child, but not the controller. You can't make him like her. But, you can try and strengthen their bond. I think doing work outside the home (I know since you're a work from home mom it'll be difficult, but I'm sure you could find an internet cafe, or rooms that are specifically rented to people for meetings (i.e. hotels (not a hotel room, but "meeting rooms" at hotels.) I know there has to be more places that offer the service, and do it more cheaply, I just don't know where, sorry.

    I'd suggest letting her take your son over her own home after about a month, so they can get used to one another.

    If he's not used to her by two or three months, you might consider finding someone else. Obviously, its not that she's bad at what she does, its just your son's preference.

    It'll be a long challenging process. You'll just have to hang in. The "right" idea will come to you when you least expect it.

  5. i would hire a nanny and set up cameras

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