
New Mothers: What do you and your partner fight/argue about?

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I am the mother of an 11-week old, and ever since she was born, I have been fighting with my bf and him helping me out more-laundry, cooking, etc. It got to the point where I asked him to move out, because we would argue all the time. What do you and your partner fight about, ever since the birth of your first child (if you're a new mother)?




  1. my hubby and i have 6 month old twins and for the first few months we fought about EVERYTHING!!!  something really little would turn into something huge everytime and we wouldn't do anything to stop it or to calm ourselves down.  first of all you should know that after having your first child it is, by far, the LOWEST point in a relationship...  this is all new, you are sleep deprived and stressed, among other things.  our communication *or lack of* became such an issue that we started going to therapy to learn how to resolve our problems...  how to talk to each other again.  it's so difficult in the beginning so i suggest giving it some time for each of you to adjust to everything before making any kind of decision to break up *unless ur fighting is violent and poses a threat to ur child.*  my hubby and i are definately better than we were a few months ago but the one thing we still argue about is sleep...  neither of us get enough and both of us try to get more but it just doesn't work sometimes...  or most of the time, actually!  but as time goes on it gets easier and i dream of the days when i will sleep through the night *or i would dream of them if i got enough sleep to dream LOL*  i have to say the best thing that happened to our relationship was me getting a job two days a week (just 4 hour shifts.)  my husband watches the kids and has learned that it is HARD WORK.  i don't know if that is an option for you but it is also a VERY NICE BREAK for me :)  good luck...  everything will work itself out if you guys work on it together.

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