
New Orleans Saints QB Drew Brees takes part in surfing tribute for Junior Seau - NFL News

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New Orleans Saints QB Drew Brees takes part in surfing tribute for Junior Seau - NFL News
The death of former San Diego Chargers linebacker, Junior Seau shocked everyone after the 43-year-old committed suicide on Wednesday, and was found in his bedroom with a gunshot wound in his chest.
His death led to an outpouring of grief across America and the National Football League (NFL) with players and fans delivering tributes for the NFL great.
New Orleans Saints, quarterback, Drew Brees was a former teammate of the linebacker and on Sunday the quarterback took part in a surfing ceremony to honour the memory of Seau.
The quarterback along with 200 surfers was part of a 1,200 strong crowd of well-wishers who gathered at Oceanside in California near the home of Seau.
Speaking to USA Today, Brees said.
"We were in the water where I know Junior loved to be. It was a beautiful day because Junior is present here with us."
Adding further he said.
"It was pretty unbelievable that so many people came out to pay tribute. Junior truly was an inspiring person and somebody whose spirit will live forever."
The quarterback, in an earlier interview with the NFL Network praised his former teammate’s character and said that he had an infectious personality which will be greatly missed by everyone who knew him.
"Junior always cared so much about his teammates. He always wanted to know how you were doing, how (he) could help you. That's what I'll remember most about Junior -- just the smile on his face, his attitude and his infectious personality."
Seau’s death was confirmed as a suicide on Thursday and it is believed that concussions he suffered during his football career and its associated impact on his health could be a reason for his decision.
The footballer’s family is still considering the decision on whether to allow the former player’s brain to be studied for the impact of concussions and prevent future episodes like this.
His death was a shocking development and tributes continue to be given to the player who was a great role model for everyone.
Seau played in the league for 20-years in the NFL and made 1,526 tackles during his 268 career games.



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