
New Planet found behind the sun!?

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A new planet was found behind the sun. I am a real astronaut and I found a planet behind the sun. What should I name it?

More details about the planet: The planet has no water because it's very, very close to the sun. The sun dried all the water. And the planet has only 1 island so far. I don't know what to name the island. The island has a lot of land, but no flowers at all.

No trees or anything like that, just land. It's about only 5 feet long and 4 feet tall.




  1. What, were you cruising around on a joyride in your spaceship and said 'hey, what's that thing over there?!?'

    How do you have an island if there's no water?

  2. I have the perfect name for you: "Imsodumb"

  3. how can it have an island and no water? i mean technically, an island is a land mass surrounded by water.

    are you more concerned abt naming the island than the planet?

    there doesnt seem to be anyting interesting other than the island in a new planet.

    is you're manufacturing stuff, you might as well add in aliens!!!

    I think YOU just discovered Mercury. Its named already.

  4. Bollocks

    The planets go "behind" the sun all the time - it's called orbiting.

    And if there's no water, how can there be an island...

  5. wait a minute... u said no water so how could there be land? u need water to form a land... i dont get it? so there has to be water on that planet because how would land appear out of no where???

  6. Name it Pluto Jr.

  7. Call it "dream land".  Dee4 got that right, put your bottle away.

  8. Ha Ha I know its a saturday night where iam at but you may want to put the bottle away.

    I could be wrong but isnt an island surrounded by water?You stated there is no water.

  9. If the body you found is 5 feet wide and 4 feet tall and all dried up it might be your girlfriend.

    Just a theory.

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