
New School With 800 Kids! Advice?

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Hey, I move around a lot! I'm only 14 and I've already lived in 7 countries. I'm used to starting new schools, but for the first time since I was little I'm back in North America (Canada). Which means instead of going to a private international school, it means off to public. I know for a lot of people this is no big deal, but for me this is by far the biggest school I've been to. [I'll be a freshman this year]. Im 5'7, thin, athletic (volleyball, track, basketball, & soccer), straight, have medium/long auburn hair, hazel eyes, tanned skin, braces [it sucks] haha. My favorite bands are Blink-182, The Offspring, System of a Down, Angels & Airwaves, Crazy Town, The Who, The Clash, The Ramones (and a lot more). A play a little bit of piano, and have excelled in guitar. Now that you know me better I'd like to have advice on meeting new people, making friends, dating [which most likely won't happen because of the braces], and everything I need to know about High School. I'm a nice person with a good sense of humor, and normally really outgoing, but I've suddenly become very shy about this whole thing. Thanks :)




  1. 800 is nothing.  Mine had 1600.

  2. What? in one grade? haha my school only has 60 people in my grade.

    Just be confident, happy and yourself. Let your personality shine.

    Oh, and you're lucky you're not 16years old with braces...but just letting you know - i only started dating SINCE I got braces...I hate them but they can look cool at times :P

  3. 800 is nothing mine has close to 5000 so i think yo have it easy...Well First of all im pretty much in the same situation I start Highschool in 4 days and I am scared out of my pants but the best advice taht i'be got so far is to just be yourself and all that jazz...In a way i do agree with it. Dont try to be all fake because trust me people will see through it and dont be afraid to be your self...One thing that you should know about highschool is that your grades come first...These are the things that will help you get into college if you want to. DOnt let any drama get to you because it will ruin you and try to stay away from the drama all it does it create chaos and its just not a good thing to go through...Dont try to do everything at once take it one step at a time and dont do all those sports in your freshman year because you do need to earn your credits....So Good Luck In Highschool And Wish Me Good Luck TOo!!

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