
New Septic Tank Odor

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Two months ago, we replaced our septic tank. We never had trouble with odor with the old one. The new one is placed next to the old one and in the morning, when the air is heavy, there is a strong odor under the carport which is next to the tank location. Should the new concrete system be producing gas? The lid is exposed but from everything I read, its ok and shouldn't be a problem yet it is pretty serious smell at times and we are tired of it. The only other change we made was to the pipe to the distribution box, we replaced it. The old tank was probably over 40 years old.




  1. not enough bacteria in the tank i am guessing  and not sealed very well either .who ever put the new tank in should be called to check why you have this smell coming form the tank . Are you sure it is not coming from the vents on the roof of the house ? if so they make filters for that . also you could add a line trap to the existing sewer line going into the septic tank to stop odors as well .

  2. You can buy stuff to put into your new septic that has bacteria in it to help bump start the bacteria in your new tank if that is what is causing it.
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