
New Septic system help?

by Guest11113  |  earlier

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I have a new 3 bdr. house with a new 2-500 gallon tank septic system. How long before I should add chemicals and how long before having it cleaned. 2 people live here. Thanks




  1. Your septic system is sort of self cleaning for several years. If you have a garbage disposal and you use it, it's even better.

    The waste from the toilets, and the scrap food from the dishwasher create a live bacteria in your tank that breaks down itself and other matter like toilet paper,etc.

    You can use a product like "RID-X, which has ingredients that keeps this bacteria growing.

    If you are in sandy - loam soil your finger system will easily leech out the liquids and they will seep down through the soil-meaning you won't need to pump out your tank for several years. In fact i would not worry about any pumping for at least 5 years.

    Mark where your septic tank lids are with some flowers (annuals)or other easily moved marker. Make sure you don't plant any deep spreading root trees in this septic field.

    Enjoy your new house.

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