
New Six Samurai Deck Rate/ Fix?

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Monsters 20

3 Great Shogun Shien

3 Grandmaster of the Six Samurai

1 Enishi, Shien’s Chancellor

2 Cyber Dragon

1 The Six Samurai – Kamon

2 Spirit of the Six Samurai

3 The Six Samurai – Zanji

3 The Six Samurai – Yaichi

2 The Six Samurai – Irou

Spells 15

1 Swords of Revealing Light

1 Premature Burial

1 Mystical Space Typhoon

1 Brain Control

1 Monster Reborn

1 Heavy Storm

2 Reinforcement of the Army

3 Six Samurai United

3 Reasoning

1 Lightening vortex

Traps 6

1 Torrential Tribute

2 Bottomless Trap Hole

1 Threatening Roar

1 Magic Drain

1 Dark Bribe

I dont have mirror force, or solemn judgment, or more dark bribes. Im using magic drain as a replacment. Im not using Pwwb cause bottomless is needed more and especially when we have GB runnign loose. Plz rate/ fix, rate out of ten.




  1. - 2 bottomless

    - 1 threating

    - 1 mag drain

    + 3 solemn judgemnt ( but sorry it is needed man )

    + 1 dark bribe

  2. 3/10

  3. magic drain is better than spell sheild type 8  as magic has no cost and it can help you later in the game if they discard a spell or early in game if you negate

    also dont worry about solemns i stopped spending money on cards about 2 months ago

    i agree with you entirely with the bottomless mone but make it 3 so lose theatening roar

    you might think this is nooby but add

    1 arcana force -ex the dark ruler

    if you can it was made for six samurais not arcanas

    cuz of the swarm thing hes easy to get out in ss and a massive beatstick which is good either toss result

    or you could try running kuraz and see how that works cud be interesting

    either way do the first change the second is optional


  4. it's really good.8/10!

  5. Wow.. Very nice. 9/10

    But maybe you could replace premature burial with cunning of the six samurai because that is a must and no cost!

    Also Pretty sad how you can't get solemn  and mirror so since you're using magic drain i think you should remove it for spell shield type-8. I think its much better. Indeed Bottomless traphole is an excellent card. You could say it could substitute mirror force.

    Hope this helped!

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