
New Skates.. Blisters :(?

by  |  earlier

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I have had new skates, i have worn them off ice for a bit but it didnt seem to help that much. I went skating, they where okay for about 30 minutes, then i got blisters at the insides of my foot. About the size of a 50p. Any tips on breaking skates in. I have read alot of sites say to wear a damp sock with your skate. Any tips for blisters?




  1. Ice it. and you may have to stay oof it for a bit. it will get better, once you've broken your boots.

  2. I have never heard anything good about the old wet sock trick.  What are you wearing on your feet when you skate?  Socks may cause friction and lead to blisters.  Nylons, tights or dress socks usually work better.  The next time you skate, try to cover your exsisting blisters....I hear Nuskin works.  Or try using round makeup sponges to add a little more padding.

  3. I use compeed and thick skiing socks to break my new skates in!!!

  4. It deppends on what level your skates are. If you are a high level the wet socks work good. If you are at a lower level then you will only get soggy skates. A high level is about double loop and up and anything lower you should be okay without the wet socks. If you decide not to try the wet socks then you can get bister pads called bunga pads. They work soooo great.  You can find them at this website but they are caled slippos....

    I would sugest that you do not wear extra socks. It will just cause more blistering

  5. Heya Me!!!  DO NOT wear damp socks in your skate!!  As someone already mentioned, you could get mold in your skates . . . but also some premature cracking in the leather.  Be careful of online sources - there is a lot of supposed "information" written by the "public" and not all of it is necessary "correct".

    Blisters happen because there is a bit of room in that area of the skate . . . that will cause your foot to move in there and the friction may result in a "lovely" blister.  

    DO NOT wear thick socks - not just because it could bunch up and cause more foot pain . . . but the room in your skate will actually get bigger because of the thickness . . . and when you wear tights, you'll find that you feet will slide all over the place.  

    I have found that putting a clean bunga pad directly onto the blistered area helped.  It fills the gap where it's causing friction, but it dispurses any pressure in the area.  Not to knock anyone else's answer (afterall it works for them), but I have found that bandaids can still add to the rubbing at the non-sticking part.  And make up sponges can build up pressure and tightness in that particular area (whereas the bunga pads keep it dispursed).  The bunga pads made it tolerable to continue skating and keep the blister from getting any worse . . . but just remember to clean the bunga pads well after each use!  

    If anything, skate in short bursts and take your boots off to give your feet a break too!  In time it just gets better.  Work on edges, crossovers, turns . . . . besides it helping to break in your skates, it will improve your skating in the meantime!!  

    Good luck (and congrats on your new skates!)!   :)

  6. well you have to skate aloy to break it in and it usually happens for new skates people.

  7. blister plasters?

  8. same thing happened to me!! You should get theese pads called bunga pads.. They're fantastic! They last forever... They cost around $15 each...

  9. oh the common blisters i use to get them all the time with new boots! a few tips make sure the first hook is left un done for a couple of weeks to help with bending and will soften the leather better, as for blisters i tried everything the only thing which worked for me is the round make up pads make sure you put a plaster on first then the pad and then the sock as if you dont the pad will stick to the blister and hurts!! done skate with wet socks as you will develop athlete's foot and this is not nice. i also use bunga pads which are a life saver to skates! usually if the make up pads dont work try cutting a hole in the middle and place over the blister and use some tape to keep in place while skating.

    hope this helps!

    emma x

  10. if they keep rubbing really bad then take them back and complain or if they are not that bad then try and wear them as much as poss to break them in also suggest wearing a few layers of socks  :)

  11. i bake my skates,  which softens the leather.  Then you put your foot in it and it breaks them in  Eventually your feet will just get used to it but yeah it kinda sucks

  12. You may have to use some padding, give it ice. It will get better as you breakdown your boots. Welcome to the wirld of figuere skating.

  13. Lots of padding and plasters work for breaking in new hiking boots so i'm sure it will work for skates as well. also i'd suggest thick socks.

  14. first of all do not  i repeat do not put a damp cloth inside your skate it will cause mold to grow and you will have stinky feet too..

    blisters are all apart of skating... your skates should fit like a glove with the normal tights or stockings on and a footy or anklet sock over them. your skate will hide the anklet... invest in alot of band aids and get some foot soak er  and soak your feet after each lesson.... apply an antibiotic cream. use your band aids as a cushion while your waring them as well.. it will help.... remember, the more you ware your skates (while actually skating) the faster your will break them in.

    you can also invest in a boot oil and rub it in to your boots to make the leather more supple , but only on the out side of the boot dear.... waring the skates with out actually training in them will not work. you have to actually be training in them to break them in.. after a while at least 10 days of straight training your blisters will become callas and you will not feel them anymore... have fun and keep skating... dont give up... no pain no gain... i always say.



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