
New State Law! What do you Think?

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A new law in MI says you can't wear your pants sagging. I, for one, think this law is unfair. Sagging your pants is style, and you can't arrest style. Let's face it; asking people to stop sagging there pants is like asking people to stop walking on the sidewalk, you mine as well stay inside. This has gone too far. Does anyone else agree?




  1. Thats really stupid, people should be allowed to dress however they want.

  2. I totally agree with you! It is a violation of our rights. This has to stop,or they will keep making more laws like this. (Give them an inch,and they'll take a mile!) Whatever happened to freedom? And who is this hurting,anyways? Now, I could understand if people were showing their naked butts in public. Nobody wants to see that! But it seems to me,that this started locally,in the school system and spread out to the states. That's because nobody is doing anything about it! The Man is slowly but surely taking away our rights. I've heard that if you put a frog in boiling hot water,he will jump out. BUT,if you put him in a pan of lukewarm water and SLOWLY heat it,he wont notice it.So he sits there and cooks! Same situation!!!

  3. no body wants to see what color their boxers...

    It leaves no creativity to the imagination

  4. I don't know the details of the law, but it seems to me that it will be challenged on constitutional grounds. On it's face, it would appear to be a breach of First Amendment right to freedom of expression.

    Sagging pants are uber-lame, but everyone has the right to be lame.

  5. I don't see where a state can tell how to wear your pants but if it is a new law then the other states should follow. I  for one am tired of watching the "saggers" hold there pants up as they are walking down the road.

  6. OMG, they are actually going to have Fashion Police in MI?  8^P

    I agree with you, it's not the state's right to decide fashion.  But I have seen kids here in California with their pants so low their butts were hanging out!  I don't mean just a little 'cleavage' showing, I mean butts literally hanging out!  I wouldn't mind seeing a law against that.

    But just saggy pants, I mean I think it looks dumb but there shouldn't be a law against looking dumb.  8^)

  7. Haha yeah I live in Michigan, and I think its pretty stupid too. If theyre just showing boxers, then it shouldnt even be illegal.. Girls show their underwear all the time.

  8. I think it is a good law.  We are tired of seeing guys walking with their pants down under their a$$es, holding on with one hand, and showing off their boxers.  And asking them to not sag is easy.  Just buy the right size, wear them right, and wear a belt - like NORMAL HUMAN BEINGS!

  9. I think that this law is messed up. Its not lude, nor is it indecent exposure. I can't believe they passed this as a law. I absolutely agree that this has gone to far and its completely rediculous. I'm outraged. If it moves to other states, who knows what other laws they'll pass. It cant be legal to pass a law telling people how they can wear their clothes. We should all just get naked and protest!

  10. i agree thats a bad law

  11. what do you mean by 'sagging'?

    like hanging down lower than your hips so your undies show?

    or just really baggy?

    either way that really is ridiculous:L

    wow the magazines are right... the fashion police really do exist!

  12. My thought is this: Whatever happened to freedom of expression? I mean as long as they are not walking around naked or exposing themselves who cares? I do not think it should be a law-It's just another one of our freedoms they are trying to take from us. I personally don't like the look but it is freedom of expression and the government should not be able to do that-It's a constitutional right.

  13. as long as they keep their pants on their butts its ok but it should be a law not to to show your underwear.

  14. Wow, that is stupid.

  15. I think theres also a law in NY that women cant wear tight clothing, but its obviously not enforced. Im pretty sure that nothing will happen if someones pants are sagging.

  16. You know what's funny; it turns out that wearing your pants low and showing your boxers used to be a way for prison inmates to let other inmates know that they were g*y!  I'm all for open gayness and all, but I think that this little fact is a great way to get guys to pull their pants up!

  17. First of all, it's disgusting. People wear their pants below their ankles for crying out loud. Second I think you mean 'MIGHT as well' not 'MINE as well'.

  18. saggy pants and builders bums should be out lawed, by the fashion industry cos they look naff, especialy on  a girl with her knickers showing, how crass. But to make it a law/offence is totally stupid... makes me @ 54 want to show my saggy **** never mind the pants.

  19. Idecent exposure has been on the books for quite a while. If walking around naked became the "style", should it then be ok just because it's "in style".

  20. haha i think it's downright hilarious.

    oh yes, and ridiculous.

  21. First of all there is no NEW law regarding baggy pants.  Secondly its ONLY for Flint, not the entire state... Please get your facts straigt before posting.  The exisiting laws that the police chief of Flint is craking down on are disorderly conduct and indecent exposure.  According to exisiting Flint law, pants pulled completely below the buttocks with underwear showing is disorderly conduct.  Saggy pants with skin of the buttocks showing is indecent exposure... both misdemeanors punishable by 93 days to a year in jail.

    To answer the question.... regardless if something is a "style" or not, its illegal to expose your underwear in public.  Is it ok if it becomes a style for men to walk around with the p***s hanging out?

    People have been pushing the limits with indecent exposure for a long time... its good to see people finally crack down.  I'm not sure why its acceptable for me to have to look at a 12 year old boys underwear.

  22. That is funny. I personally don't like seeing someones butt hanging out of their pants but I'm not agreeing with this Law! That is stupid. It's like them telling everyone that they can't eat what they want.

  23. i think its funny.  

  24. I do not mind.

  25. i don't live there, but i get the impression that the law is not against sagging pants but against indecent exposure from some poeple who sag and show their underwear.  even though the underwear is part of the fashion, some people don't wear the fashion and actually show their real underwear through carelessness.

    it is a ploy to reshape society and someone was successful.

    back in the day, 70's, only ex cons and gangsters wore this style because it came about from the prisoners not getting the correct sized cloths.  it was stupid then. and i was shocked to see it come back as high fashion across all races.

    btw - pants are actually made to sag so if a child wears a garment and has it pulled up, the cut will make them sag anyway.

  26. I do not want to see another person's underwear while he or she is walking in any public place. That goes for sagging pants, bras, or thongs.

    I work in a school where some of the kids come in wearing their pants saggy. (It is against school dress code). If told to pull them up, they say that their pants are pulled up.

    Sorry, but if the crotch of the pants are around your knees, they are not where they are supposed to be! Other than looking ridiculous, they are a safety issue.

    *note:  the "style"(?) did start in prisons but not as a signal for being homosexual.

  27. sagging your pants is stupid and personally I shouldnt be forced to know the color of your underwear or cleanliness of your crack.

    i agree with the law.

  28. The government obviously thinks it can do a better job of raising you than your mother can, which is why they pass stupid laws like this.

  29. If you butt is hanging out that would be indecent exposure which is already covered in with another law. Otherwise, if you butt isn't hanging out, the style is just in poor taste and you can't really legislate taste.   I can't see where the law was necessary.  

  30. haha in ct theres a new law: no one under 18 can be out past 11

    well yours is a little more ridiculous but yeah were on the same page

  31. our politicians have low self esteem & are making americans into a bunch of prudes. i may never come out of my house again, perhaps an attic shall i seek.

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