
New Survey shows Petrol in the UK is more expensive than any other major European Country, any surprises?

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  1. lololololololololol.......

  2. Not at all surprised

  3.   Everything is more expensive in the U.K. Transport, Housing,    Food,Holidays, Taxes. etc, We don't need a survey to tell us        that. We know.


  4. Surprised they wasted the money as the UK has always been expensive.

  5. What they fail to say that although petrol is cheaper in these countries if you want to see a doctor it will cost you about fourty quid and if you want treatment that will also cost you a fortune.

  6. well who do you think subsidises the european union ,france and germany?

  7. No surprises at all.

  8. No surprises at all !

    It doesn't just apply to petrol either. Virtually any commodity you care to name, will be more expensive in Britain than any other civilised county in the world.

    The only surprise is that we continue to put up with it, year after year.

    The trouble is that many people are able and willing, to pay whatever price is asked to get what they want !

    Hard luck on the rest of us.  

  9. The Labour government has to get money from somewhere so long as they keep pouring taxpayers money to prop up an ailing bank.  

  10. They had to do a "survey" to find that out?

    I could have told them that.

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