
New USMC wife w/questions

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Hello, My husband ships out for boot Sept 22nd, and I have a few questions that we can't seem to find the answer to. I hope someone may be able to?

1. When is the soonest I can move out with him?

Whether off base or on? Our goal was when he

goes to his mos is this possible?

2. Do we get separation/housing pay while he is at


I know these may be odd questions but he just wants to get everything settled before he leaves. We just got married last week and his recruiter has never signed a married man before, so were all a little confused. If anyone can help it would be much appreciated.

Thank you Smile




  1. Welcome to military life! At least as a wife you'll get acknowledge by the "powers that be" (aka the military).

    You won't be able to move with your husband unless his MOS school is over 6 months (basically - unless he enlists as a linguists you won't be able to).

    On base housing usually has wait lists but you'll receive BAH (Basic Allowance for Housing) for an off base home.

    When he gets his orders for his first duty station they will say "accompanied" which means that you get to move with him.

    You do not get seperate pay while he's a boot camp but I believe you're still eligible for BAH.

    If his recruiter doesn't know the answers then the recruiter needs to be talking to his CO to get correct, up-to-date info for you and your husband. Make sure the recruiter is doing his job and keeps you both well informed and answers all of your questions.

  2. Is your husband going to basic training at MCRD San Diego or Parris Island?

    As for your questions; The soonest you can live with him.

    After Basic Training, your husband will have 10 days off to go back home, either on recruiters assistance, or just to go home on leave. If he has an infantry MOS he will go to SOI, if hes any MOS other then infantry, he'll go to his MOS School. He has to live on the base he's going to school at. Whether it be 29 palms, or camp pendleton, or whatever base he goes to school at. After that he will be able to apply for military housing, or you both will be able to live out in town together. (including bootcamp and school, it may take around 6 months or longer).

    2-"Do you get seperation/housing pay while he's at bootcamp". No, you will not recieve seperation pay while he is at basic training. BAH- no he will not recieve BAH while at basic training because he is utilizing the facilities (squad bay/ place where they stay) while at basic.

    Once he graduates Basic Training, you and him both will go down and enter you into the DEERS system. You'll then recieve your ID card, medical insurance (tricare) card, as well as all the information you'll need to go about setting up appointments with an OBGYN(if you're pregnant), optometrist, and dentist (you have to pay for your dental via concordia-it's not "free" like tricare).

    EDIT: I see you added additional Info. As for them not returning his calls or just saying "I'll look into it" that's just bad recruiting. Your husband needs to make sure that everything this recruiter told him is WRITTEN down into his contract. Anything promised to your husband that isn't in writing, he won't be receiving. This recruiter sounds fishy.

    Also, MCRD San Diego is an AWESOME base! Your husband ships out on the 22nd of next month you said, so he will be a recruit in 2nd BN, Golf Company. Good Company. If everything goes according to schedule, and he doesn't get injured and sent to MRP then he'll be graduating 19 Dec. Which means y'all are lucky b/c you'll have him home in time for christmas! :)

  3. His recruiter should talk to a superior then, because that is the only way to get this info. He should at least be able to point you to the office that processes the applications.

  4. ONLY if the MOS school is longer than... 4 months I believe? Basically only linguists in the USMC get to have there wives move in. Other than that, no.

    Why didnt your hubbies recruiter answer these questions?

    You can move in within a few weeks of him getting to his first duty station.

    YOU CAN get separation pay while he is in basic.

  5. Generally, the soonest you can live with him is at his MOS school.  This means the 3 months at MCRD San Diego or Parris Island is not going to happen.  He does get 10 days off after Boot Camp before he attends MCT (Marine Combat Training) where again you will not be housed.  He is only there for 4 weeks.  If he is in the Infantry he will go for 8 weeks of SOI  then 4 weeks further for additional training if he is a Mortarman, Assaultman, or Machinegunner.  Again, no housing.  

    If he is going to MCT, then he is "non-Infantry" and he will be going to an MOS school somewhere.  I'd be able to answer this better if I knew his MOS but... if the school is longer than 4 months (I think the previous answerer was close) then you can move out there and apply for off-base housing.  I (and a number of friends) went to a school where you were there for 6 months + and they were allowed to have their dependants (You) live with them but due to the base size, they had no housing available so they had to live off-base.  Which, btw is not a bad thing.

    Follow the others advice on BAH pay, I was never married in the Marines and I am a bit ignorant on how it works in the beginning but I do believe you get the extra money right up front.  

    Third, don't go into the Recruiting Station demanding to see the SNCOIC, that's just not the right tack to take.   Talk to his recruiter nicely and ask if he can consult with his RS's SNCOIC (Staff Non-Commisioned Officer in Charge) who is perhaps a Gunnery Sergeant or Master Sergeant about your questions.  Since it is obvious your husband's recruiter is new, a more senior recruiter will definately have the answers.  They are human, just like everyone else, and sometimes make mistakes or are ignorant of facts.  

    I hope this helps!  

  6. I'm basing my answers on old data.  I went to basic training while I was married.  My wife stayed home.

    1.  You, on your won dollar, are able move out to MCRD's geographic location, but while yor husband is in "boot camp," you two may not share quarters.  Basic training is an intense 24/7 (some would saying physically, mentally, and emotionally grueling) experience. Having you out there would be a distraction that he could not afford.  I don't understand the "goes to his mos" question.  An "MOS" is a Military Occupational Specialty, an alphanumeric code that identifies his area of specialization.  (In the Navy, it's called an "NEC," i.e., Navy Enlisted Classification (Code).)

    2.  Probably not.  Separation pay and housing allowance are two different types of compensation.

    If his recruiter never signed up a married man before, then he (the recruiter) should have immediately asked for help from a more senior recruiter.

    My suggestion for the most accurate information at this stage in your husband's career:

    • Go back to the recruiting station and ask for the NCOIC (Non-Commissioned Office In Charge) and ask the same questions.

    Advice follows:  Your husband has chosen not only a most honorable

    calling, but an extremely demanding one.  The stress on a home life can be very trying.  There is an immense amount of help and support available from his unit once he gets transferred to his first duty station where he can go as "accomapnied."  There may be times when he goes somewhere and you will not be permitted to go with him, whthere it ne for training or a deployment.  I know it will be tough on you, but please be supportive.  And remember the Marine motto: "Semper Fidelis," which means "Always Faithful."  I salute you and your husband.

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