
New York Giants beat New England Patriots...........How does that make them World Champions?

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correct me if i am wrong but other countries of the world are not in the competition




  1. Although all of the NFL teams are located in the USA, you must remember that not all of the players are American.  The NFL is THE premier league for american style football and the best players from around the world play in it.  This league has the market and capital to pay the best players better than other leagues.

    As an example, a fair number of punters are Australian.  They have the necessary skill set because of Australian-rules football.  They play in the NFL because they are good and get paid more.

  2. Could it be because other countries don't have any interest in America's peculiar minority sports?

  3. no other countrys are as involved as we r, the giants could take any country

  4. Because New England could beat the rest of the world combined

  5. lol.  Not their fault the rest of the world hasn't embraced that sport.

  6. Um "World Champions" is a clause that could truly be used.

    Until The European league can merge with the NFL then we will no longer have a superbowl but a worldbowl. And if Canadian football plays similiar style of football as does americans then a true world championship can be held, but that is decades away from even being considered if ever to be considered, Canada likes their brand of football and has no desire in changing anything right at this moment and NFL uses the European league for warm up and possible draft choices from its league. The NFL has the worlds best athletes when it comes to football so the term "World Champions" is politically correct.

  7. oh yes there is always that very tough Canadian team...

  8. the game was rigged anyway

  9. All they have to do to become eligible to play for the championship, is to throw down a few hundred million dollars and, apply to the NFL for a franchise. so far, that hasn't happened. there fore, with all of the NFL teams in the world, playing in the U.S., that makes the SUPER BOWL champs, WORLD CHAMPIONS. get it?!!!

  10. They won the superbowl.

  11. It doesn't make them World Champions it makes them Super Bowl Champions! Lombardi Trophy Champions! NOT world champions

  12. Your argument would make sense in baseball or basketball - where the capability to beat the U.S. on a given day would be real...  BUT in football, the capability is not even remote.  Hence the designation "World Champion" applies, whether de facto or not.

  13. When you are an empire, you can make the rules for the rest of the world apparently

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