
New York Giants’ safety Chad Jones optimistic about his future – NFL News

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New York Giants’ safety Chad Jones optimistic about his future – NFL News
New York Giants’ safety, Chad Jones, who is yet to play a National Football League (NFL) game, is positive about his future and is hopeful of giving his best shot in the team’s offseason activities, which are going to start next week.
Jones was drafted by the Giants in the 2010 NFL draft, but unfortunately, he was unable to play any game for the team as he suffered an accident a couple of months after being drafted and was eventually forced out.
According to the details of the accident, Jones’ car collided with a pole and the player was reported to have broken a couple of bones in his ankle and leg.
Consequently, he could not play the season, which was scheduled to start after the next few months.
Jones also did not play any games in the last NFL season in which the Giants won the Super Bowl.
However, the player is now hopeful of returning to the field and is expected to take part in the team’s offseason activities.
He is thrilled about joining the team’s training camp, which he thinks, will provide him a good atmosphere and feel of the game. He said about participating in the offseason activities:
"It's something I've been working toward for the last two years, ever since the day of my car wreck. It's just going to be a great feeling being back there in a football atmosphere, being around teammates and being in a different city and being where Giants fans
are. Everything will be picture-perfect."
Different reports have suggested that Jones is still not hundred per cent and he will take more time before he could take the field. However, the player seems unbothered by what the reports are speculating.
Jones is of the view that he is going to perform to the best of his abilities and said:
"I'm looking forward to being able to participate and show that I can still move around with the guys and I'm looking forward to it just to show them. Even if it's two or three reps to show that I can still do it and I still have it in me."
It is still not clear if the team trainers are going to allow him to do complete workout, but the passion of the player is indeed commendable.



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